The Dangers of Constipation It’s more than just inconvenient… constipation can be a sign of serious health problems. It’s often accompanied by bloating and abdominal pain. Constipation can also lead to more health problems. Straining too hard to go can lead to painful hemorrhoids (source)....
The dangers of fleet enema in chronic constipationB., BhattR., KeshavS., KimL., CherathS., Tsai
The dangers of a workplace romance are humorously explored when Hank's professional life becomes embroiled in a web of sex, jealousy, and suspicions. With twists at every turn, this episode provides uproarious scenarios and a unique look at the perils of mixing business with pleasure. Season:...
The Dangers of Bulimia Nervosa Medications No action is without a reaction, particularly when it comes to chemistry. While taking a prescription drug for bulimia nervosa or other eating disorders, such asanorexia nervosaor binge eating disorder, there is always the potential for consequences. ...
The Dangers of Peppermint Herbal Tea Nutrition Diet Soda Vs. Tea Nutrition Gassy and Bloated? Steep These 5 Teas to Help Soothe Your Stomach Thyme Thyme, or Thymus vulgaris, is an aromatic herb used in cooking and medicine. Traditional healers use the leaves and flowers to treat upper respirat...
Many people hear about the dangers of gluten, but may not understand what gluten is and why -- or even if -- they should avoid it. Gluten consumption can be extremely dangerous and unpleasant for people who have a type of wheat intolerance known as celiac disease. At the current time, ...
Powerful article on the dangers of hypnotism, along with a testimony of woman who had drawn a demon onto her as a result of being hypnotized one time.
Anyway, I am pleased to say that some sensible people urged the woman to get her husband to a doctor ASAP, but examples like this show the dangers of unregistered and unregulated health gurus who shun evidence based medicine and lead their followers to believe that their way is the only way...
JustUme enlightens us about the dangers of having a toxic colon The mechanism underlying the formation of AAU stones in patients with laxative abuse has been described as follows. Postrenal Failure due to Urinary Stones Associated with Acute Viral Gastroenteritis: Three Case Reports Bulimia nervosa ...
Possible Signs and Symptoms of a Twin Pregnancy The Early Warning Signs of Pregnancy Breasts Tender Before Missed Period: Early Pregnancy Sign? 15 Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy How to Recognize the Signs of Pregnancy While Breastfeeding...