Purchase a case of Peroni through Dan Murphy’s and you’re automatically given a chance to win a handsomely crafted Aperitivo box, which comes chock full of curated food items, Peroni glassware, a sharing board, and an AO tennis ball. Price for the Seamaster Ploprof 1200 begins at S$12,...
[虚假信息传播者“被关注”分析] The Dynamics of (Not) Unfollowing Misinformation SpreadersJoshua Ashkinaze, Eric Gilbert, Ceren Budak密歇根大学预印版:arxiv.org/abs/2401.1348视频介绍:youtube.com/watch?[基于异构图网络] Heterogeneous Subgraph Transformer for Fake News DetectionYuchen Zhang, Xiaoxiao Ma...
Brandon isn’t planning on starting to write Stormlight 4 until January 1, 2019 but he will be working on getting "rock-solid outlines" for Books 4 and 5. This may be a result of him shifting events around in order to make Dalinar's flashback sequence work inOathbringer, as it was p...