The Dalles dam.(OREGON PLACES)Willingham, William F
ADULT CHINOOK AND SOCKEYE SALMON, AND STEELHEAD FALLBACK RATES AT BONNEVILLE DAM, - 1996-1998 A report for Project MPE-P-95-1 2000a. Adult Chinook and sockeye salmon and steelhead fallback rates at the Dalles Dam, 1996, 1997, and 1998. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wild- life Research Unit...
WELLS DAMSluiceways at hydroelectric dams are designed to enable floating ice and debris to pass through the dams and may be used as an effective, nonturbine, surface route for out-migrating fishes to pass through dams. Each year, the sluiceway at The Dalles Dam on the Columbia River, USA...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District engaged the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to evaluate fish passage at The Dalles Dam powerhouse in 2005. The goal of the study was to provide information on smolt passage that will inform decisions on long-term measures and operations to...
At The Dalles Dam on the Columbia River, fish are believed to sustain injury from exposure to turbulence and from collisions with baffle blocks and end sills in the stilling basin at high spillway discharges. Because taking velocity measurements would be exceedingly difficult in this environment, ...
Define sluiceway. sluiceway synonyms, sluiceway pronunciation, sluiceway translation, English dictionary definition of sluiceway. n. An artificial channel, especially one for carrying off excess water. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Lang
Before leaving SLC my plan was to cross the Columbia River at The Dalles and spend some time around Mt. Saint Helens on my way to Seattle. I pulled over to examine the map. I realized I was further south than I expected to be. S.R. 95 took me east with the diesel traffic. At ...
Before leaving SLC my plan was to cross the Columbia River at The Dalles and spend some time around Mt. Saint Helens on my way to Seattle. I pulled over to examine the map. I realized I was further south than I expected to be. S.R. 95 took me east with the diesel traffic. At ...
Canyon Dam Canyon Lake Capay Cape Horn Capistrano Beach Capitola Capo Beach Carbondale Cardiff Cardiff By The Sea Caribou Carlotta Carlsbad Carmel Carmel By The Carmel By The Sea Carmel Highlands Carmel Valley Carmel Valley Village Carmichael Carnelian Bay Carpinteria Carson Cartago Carter Hawley Hale...
narrative self-conceptioncomparatorsagentive judgmentagentive experienceSITTING ASTRIDE THE COLUMBIA RIVER on the eastern approach to the city of The Dalles, the...doi:10.1353/kri.2007.0012Willingham, William F.Oregon Historical SocietyOregon Historical Quarterly...