The Yorkshire Dales is an area of great natural beauty in northernEngland, a large part of which has been designated as anational park. [N.B. Due to political boundary changes some areas of the "classical"Yorkshire Dales areaactually lie outside of the modern county boundaries which now offi...
词汇the-yorkshire-dales 释义请查阅词条:Dales, the 随便看 chrishani chris patten chris-patten chrispatten Christ Christ Almighty chris tarrant chris-tarrant christarrant christen Christendom christened christener christening christening christenings
The Yorkshire Dales are founded primarily on Carboniferous limestone laid down around 300 million years ago. The Great Scar limestone tends to be dominant, especially around the Ingleton and Settle ardoi:10.1007/978-90-481-8861-1_11Julian Ashbourn...
(Placename)the Dales(sometimes not capital) short for theYorkshire Dales (deɪlz) n (Veterinary Science) a strong working breed of pony, originating from Yorkshire and Durham Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
Seems he’s got a friend whose father has bought a holiday-cottage in the Yorkshire Dales and is going to spend a few months there this summer doing it up and tidying up the garden. He says it’s been empty for a long time and there’s a lot to do. The old guy who’s bought ...
Yorkshire Tapas580 米 Major Toms Social604 米 The Alexandra635 米 The Old Bell467 米 Foundry Project625 米 Five Guys622 米 The Harrogate Arms622 米 William & Victoria362 米 Royal Baths Chinese Restaurant625 米 Victoria Shopping Centre836 米 ...
That evening she was admonishing me as I’d left my boots on and trampled copious quantities of finest Yorkshire Dales mud into her hall carpet. “I’m going to have to shampoo that carpet, Julian!” she informed me, “I’m really annoyed with you.” “Sorry Aunty, I wasn’t ...
james herriot’s memoir of his first years as a young veterinarian in the dales of yorkshire, england during the 1930s transports the reader to another place and time. enter the brothers siegfried and tristan farnon, whose veterinary practice the gullible herriot works for and you have zany ...
1.(Placename) a historic city in NE England, in York unitary authority, North Yorkshire, on the River Ouse: the military capital of Roman Britain; capital of the N archiepiscopal province of Britain since 625, with a cathedral (the Minster) begun in 1154; noted for its cycle of medieval...
The Yorkshire Dales is home to outstanding scenery, great castles, abbeys and a breathtakingly peaceful atmosphere. At its heart are two very special