Are you a Christian looking for a daily devotional podcast to encourage, inspire, and convict you in your walk with Christ? 7 days a week, The Daily Devotional Podcast offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Let's study t...
But, let me tell you, through devotional time, we can grow in love and begin to develop a heart like God’s. It’s our daily, personal intimacy with Him that determines how well we live. If you remember, Martha complained to Jesus that her sister Mary wasn’t helping her serve. But...
What’s your bank account look like? I remember when somebody asked me the first time: “How do you want your life to look?” I had no clue. I had dreams but they were scattered all over the place and I didn’t even consider whether they could come true. Does that sound familiar?
A daily devotional Bible study brought to you from Moody Bible Institute. Each day is a new opportunity to grow closer to God. We're here to help you.
Transform Your Daily Walk with God Immerse yourself in God’s Word every day with Daily Light on the Daily Path by Samuel Bagster, now beautifully adapted for your iPhone and iPad. Explore Timeless Devotionals with Modern Bible Translations ...
Daily Walk with God - A Daily devotion help your walk with God A fine devotional collection with daily prayers
Kristi Burchfiel offers daily devotions straight to your inbox, 365 days a year, for free! For over 15 years we've been running a devotional blog, empowering a team of 30 authors to write biblical devotions that challenge men and women to follow Jesus intimat
Food Of The Monks, Devotional Cuisine 19 Nov 2018 Excerpts 6 Brief Universal Lessons 8 Nov 2018 Excerpts How Encouragement Now Transforms The Future 1 Nov 2018 Excerpts A Zen Master’s 3 Lessons 25 Oct 2018 Excerpts Just Work Harder 17 Oct 2018 Excerpts How To Guard Your Six Senses...
Daily Devotional today is taken from John 19:23-30. Today +-2,022 years ago the greatest act of love and miracle took place.