(why the scrum daily standup is timeboxed 15 mins) 每日Scrum的时间限制为15分钟,因此要确保每个人都将更新集中在重点上。 说起来容易做起来难。一旦你和你的团队开始每天举行一次每日站立,你会发现有些人在团队中的其他人面前谈论他们的工作真的很不舒服,而其他人似乎无法停止交谈,如果你允许的话,他们会占用...
The Daily Scrum is a15-minute time-boxed eventfor the Development Team to synchronize activities and create aplan for the next 24 hours. This is done by inspecting the work since the last Daily Scrum and forecasting the work that could be done before the next one. The Daily Scrum is held...
The Daily Scrumdoi:10.1007/978-1-4842-4164-6_14The Scrum Framework contains an event during which the developers inspect the status of sheir work and adapt their plan for getting it done. This event is called the Daily Scrum.Fowler, Frederik M....
Scrum practitioners should remember that the daily Scrum does not need to be an heavily formalized ritual. Yes, it’s timeboxed to 15 minutes, but that’s an upper limit. That doesn’t mean the daily Scrum can’t be shorter. The daily Scrum is one o...
Nothing in the Scrum guide stipulates that a Scrum master or a product owner can’t also do development. In small companies and budget-strapped startups, it’s not unusual for the same person to be responsible forall three Scrum accountabilitiesat the same time: S...
The daily stand-up is a short, time-boxed meeting central to Agile. These daily check-ins last 15 minutes or less and help the team align on progress and priorities. During this Scrum meeting, each team member answers three questions: What did I accomplish yesterday? What am I working on...
ScrumThe Scrum Framework, introduced in 1995 by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, is a way for teams to work together in delivering software iteratively and incrementally. Scrum Teams organize work into time boxes called Sprints, which last one month or less, resulting in a set of complete ...
In the daily scrum meeting, the third time box of Scrum, team members make their progress visible so that they can inspect and adapt toward meeting their goals, sort of like a mini-Deming (PDCA) cycle every day! The meeting is held at the same time and in the same place, decided upon...
10:00 am- Daily Scrum (time-boxed for 15 minutes) 10:15 am- Any parking lot items are discussed right after 11:00 am- I might have a meeting with the team’s manager, leadership, or facilitate a community of practice or brown bag lunch around topics like effective engineering practices...
The product backlog is a prioritized order, and that creates focus on what is most important thing to do next. Time-boxed sprint events create a sense of urgency and help us focus on the purpose of the event. The Scrum events and artifacts help create focus on inspecting progress and new...