它裁定,由于帕迪拉被关押在南卡罗来纳州的一座双桅船(军事监狱)(a brig (military prison))中,因此本应向美国南卡罗来纳州地方法院提交请愿书,并应指定双桅帆船的指挥官和国防部长因为双桅船指挥官是帕迪拉的“直接监护人”(immediate custodian)。
Article II of the US Constitution outlines the executive powers and responsibilities of the president. Howell continued, in our constitutional order, the president is tasked to be a conscientious custodian of the law, albeit an energetic one, to take care of effectuating his enumerated duties, ...
The custodian of the securities purchased in the Fed’s MBS program has been, from the outset, JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest owners of the New York Fed. The fact that the bank has received an unprecedented five felony counts from the Department of Justice since 2014 hasn’t changed ...
重申政治思想研究的内容,他们构成四种伟大的欧洲经验的智识组织(I have said that our study of political thought is to be a study of the sentiments, beliefs, habits of thought, and ideas which compose the intellectual organization of each of four great European political experiences.)古希腊神话,“每...
chiefs and to vest this authority in the King of the Munhumutapa Kingdom. According to the Bill, the appointment of chiefs will be conducted in line with the customs and traditions of the Kingdom, with the King recognized as the custodian of traditional leadership following the court mandate....
When I think of the role of principal, I think of it as encompassing the roles of: custodian of the school’s history, identity, mission, values, traditions and stories; servant to the school community; chief ambassador, sense-maker, storyteller and advocate; relationship builder; stakeholder ...
You are the custodian of the moment.You are the steward of hearts, souls, and spirits.There is no one to delegate to.Being present puts you in cosmic space. It puts you in the place of potential.Meeting the moment is what you decide to do with it.One of the nice things about ...
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席令 (No. 45) (第四十五号) The Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 3rd Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on May 28, 2020, ...
Chapter VIII Application of Law in Civil Relations with Foreigners Chapter IX Supplementary ProvisionsChapter I Basic Principles Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution and the actual situation in our country, drawing upon our practical experience in civil ...
When I think of the role of principal, I think of it as encompassing the roles of: custodian of the school’s history, identity, mission, values, traditions and stories; servant to the school community; chief ambassador, sense-maker, storyteller and advocate; relationship builder; stakeholder ...