Van Buren, MO, 美国 截至23:55 CST 1月14日星期二 0:00 -7° 2% 晴朗无云 体感温度-7° 大风西南偏西 1 公里/小时 能见度16 公里 紫外线指数0(最大值11) 云量0% 降雪量0 厘米 1:00 -7° 2% 晴朗无云 体感温度-7° 大风西南偏西 2 公里/小时 能见度16 公里 紫外线指数0(最大...
The Weather ChannelとWeather.comによる今日と今夜のVan Buren, MO, アメリカ合衆国の天気予報、天候状況、ドップラーレーダー
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These externally driven approaches undermine the equity and effectiveness of current solutions and hinder leadership by the tropical majority, who are well positioned to activate evidence-based and context-specific solutions to ocean-sustainability challenges. Here, we draw together diverse perspectives from...
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Moreover, patchouli has been used for the prevention of viral pandemics, such as those of SARS, bird flu, H1N1 flu and even the current COVID-19 pandemic4,5. Although it is indigenous to Southeast Asia and has been used in Asian countries for many centuries, patchouli was popular in ...
Telomeric sequences are often missing or far from complete in basically all current versions of assembled plant genomes. The average length of 20 telomeres of the complete T2T Mo17 genome was 26.1 kb, with about 3,700 telomeric repeat copies for each telomere (Fig. 6a), longer than avera...
Conceptualizing Public-Attitudes toward the Welfare-State - CommentEmerson, M OVanburen, M EEmerson, M. O., and M. E. Vanburen. 1992. "Conceptualizing Public-Attitudes toward the Welfare-State - Comment." Social Forces 71 (2):503-510. doi: Doi 10.2307/2580022....
Plant cell totipotency is one of the 25 major topics in current scientific research, and somatic embryos are good experimental material for studying cell totipotency. Polar auxin transport plays an important regulatory role in somatic embryogenesis (SE). However, little is known about the auxin tra...
Săsăran MO, Mărginean CO, Adumitrăchioaiei H, Meliț LE. Pathogen-Specific Benefits of Probiotic and Synbiotic Use in Childhood Acute Gastroenteritis: An Updated Review of the Literature. Nutrients. 2023; 15(3):643. Chicago/Turabian Style Săs...