方法/步骤 1.打开matlab,点击菜单栏的“Simulink”在Simulink中点击“Open”,在弹出的“选择要打开的文件”对话框切换到目标工厂所在目录,选择目标工程。 2.工程加载完毕后,点击工具栏的三角形运行按钮,运行工程。 3.运行后程序没有弹出预计的仿真界面,而是弹出一连串的Error,而这些Error无一例外都指明“Please change...
应该是matlab不允许把bin目录作为工作目录,你在其它地方建一个文件夹,然后把工作目录(current directory )设置过去就好了。
aConnection Duration* Route 连接 Duration* 路线[translate] afor PET fire retardancy 为宠物火retardancy[translate] aThe current directory is c:\program files\matlab\r2010b\bin, which is reserved for MATLAB files. 当前目录是c:\program files\matlab\r2010b\bin,为MATLAB文件是后备的。[translate]...
When you save your own files in MATLAB, you have to do so in a directory that is not under your MATLAB installation directory. If you have clicked on the icon to start MATLAB it is possible that your default directory is set there due to the way that MS Windows start...
The current directory 'c:\program files\matlab\r2014a\bin' is reserved for MATLAB files.出现问题...
The current directory 'c:\program files\matlab\matlab production server\r2015a\bin' is reserved for MATLAB files. Please change your current directory to a writeable directory outside of the MATLAB installation area. Follow 3 views (last 30 days)...
How can i solve this message "The current directory 'd:\matlap2015\bin' is reserved for MATLAB files. Please change your current directory to a writeable directory outside of the MATLAB installation area. Component.?? How to Get B...
Hello, when i trying to run the .m file in MATLAB/simulink through MATLAB function block.. i get the following error.. "The current directory 'c:\program files\matlab\r2013a\bin' is reserved for MATLAB files. Pleasechange your current directory to a writeable directory ou...
Hello, My matlab code contains a for loop that supports filling arrays, each containing 14 values, the first of each tablet is known in advance and assumed to be constant, initially I have reserved for each table 14 vacant spaces containing Zeros, th...
The code1 of matlab function varargout = Layer_Extraction_App(varargin) gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @Layer_Extraction_App_OpeningFcn, ......