The curious case of David E. Kelley Productions Several shows carried the 20thCFT logo, or included 20th among their copyright holders, but didn't use the typical code systems, or didn't use them entirely. A notable example, but one for which 20th had the sole copyright, is the late ...
rsync -avz -n "/Volumes/Media Backup/Aurender/" "/Volumes/HDD1" The option -n will just list all files that will be copied without actually doing any copy. Any thoughts/ideas on how to improve? yes I noticed the hidden files on the aurender as well when troubleshooting this issue....
Up until the Industrial Revolution, the dynamic mechanical properties of materials were only of importance in warfare, particularly after the powder-driven
Curious what Time Machine is looking at while doing backups? This one-liner will show all of the files that are being opened: sudo dtrace -q -n 'syscall::open*:entry/execname=="backupd"/ { self->name = arg0; }' -n 'syscall::open*:return/execname=="backupd"/ { printf ( "...
The bells of Our Lady of Mercy ring out at approximately 12:02 pm everyday. A lonely bagpiper appears, in full-garb, playing to everyone and no one. People, along with their pet cats and dogs, observe from sunlit balconies; curious. The musician stalks the shadows of the brick building...
rsync -avz src/solo/ root@ Create a service to auto-start Copy-paste this into the shell: mkdir -p /etc/solo-services/spooky/ cat <<'EOF' | tee /etc/solo-services/spooky/run #!/bin/bash cd /home/root/Code && exec python EOF...
There are more ways of configuring and getting "correct" token to log in. I understand that the best option is to keep available only behind a firewall, but am still curious if exposing this resource publicly is OK for simple clusters with non-critical ...
¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#ZGRkZGk2rTW3N4c4ITuEMXg6vjUbM+I7NSsOOHkyKjzOMXQ4ezKkBYEyuQXaNA84ajZWNB49UD0GBes2TAVZBHo=] 【4周达】Psychopharmacology Algorithms : Clinical Guidance from the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Proj... [9781975151195] ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#AQEBAQxaTk+2VmpfVl3nUSxYFF4JYI5YHVKxX...