“Alone,” their first new song in 16 years, premiered on Mary Anne Hobbs’ BBC 6 Music radio show Thursday morning. The English band also announced a new album, “Songs of A Lost World,” to be released on Nov. 1. The Cure teased new music on socia...
Goths, rejoice: At long last, The Cure has released new music. "Alone," their first new song in 16 years, premiered on Mary Anne Hobbs' BBC 6 Music radio show Thursday morning. The English band also announced a new album, "Songs of A Lost World," to be released on Nov...
The Cure–A Few Hours After This lyrics Post my meaning Write my explanationnew Request & respond explanations Don't understand the meaning of the song? Highlight lyrics and request an explanation. Click onhighlightedlyrics to explain. The look before I go ...
Original lyrics of Babble song by The Cure. Explain your version of song meaning, find more of The Cure lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics.
Melody's Echo Chamber Lyrics "The Cure" ["Pêcheuse De Lune" played in reverse] Submit Corrections EP:"Unfold"(2022) Pêcheuse De Lune Ocean Road Norfolk Hotel Unfold From Pink They Fell Into Blue Pieces Of Sound (Instrumental) The Cure ...
Gretta Ray "The Cure": London knows me in a way that nowhere else does Sees me at my strongest, and when I'm lost London sh...
The Cure–The Loudest Sound lyrics Follow The Cure on Bandsintown Post my meaning Write my explanationnew Request & respond explanations Don't understand the meaning of the song? Highlight lyrics and request an explanation. Click onhighlightedlyrics to explain. ...
The Cure will release Alone on Thursday at midday, with a new album Songs of a Lost World to follow on 1 November if Roman numerals shared on promotional images are to be believed.
The Cure - Lullaby Lyrics. On candy stripe legs the spider man comes Softly through the shadow of the evening sun Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead Look
Three Imaginary Boys Lyrics & Meanings: Walk across the garden / In the footsteps of my shadow / See the lights out / No-one's home / In amongst the statues / Stare at nothing in / The garden moves... / Can you help me? / / Close my eyes / And hold so