文化密码(最实用最有趣的全球文化解读)(THE CULTURE CODE) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 在这《文化密码》中,享誉全球的文化人类学家、营销专家克洛泰尔·拉帕耶首度公开了他在帮助《财富》100强企业制订企业战略时所使用的技巧。他对文化密码的开创性揭露不仅对商业问题作了解读,同时更对全世界人们的行为...
文化密码(最实用最有趣的全球文化解读)(THE CULTURE CODE)豆瓣评分:7.5 简介:在这《文化密码》中,享誉全球的文化人类学家、营销专家克洛泰尔·拉帕耶首度公开了他在帮助《财富》100强企业制订企业战略时所使用的技巧。他对文化密码的开创性揭露不仅对商业问题作了解读,
Business & Investing(商业与投资) > 华研外语 > The Culture Code 英文原版 文化密码 实用有趣的全球文化解读 Clotaire Rapaille 英文版 华研外语官方旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.6 中 物流履约: 4.3 中 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 ...
Safety is not mere emotional weather but rather the foundation on which strong culture is built. The deeper questions are, Where does it come from? And how do you go about building it? — When you ask people inside highly successful groups to describe their relationship with one another,...
“The Culture Codeis a step-by-step guidebook to building teams that are not just more effective, but happier. Whether you lead a team or are a team member, this book is a must-read.” — Laszlo Bock, CEO of Humu, former SVP of People at Google, and author ofWork Rules!
In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world’s most successful organizations—including the U.S. Navy’s SEAL Team Six, IDEO, and the San Antonio Spurs—and reveals what makes them tick. He demystifies the culture-building process by identifying three key skills that gen...
英文原版 文化密码:成功团队的秘密 The Culture Code 进口原版书籍广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.3 中 物流履约: 4.6 中 售后服务: 4.4 低 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 英文原版 文化密码:成功团队的秘密 The Culture Code 进口原版书籍 Daniel...
The Culture Code by French marketing guru and psychoanalyst Clotaire Rapaille is yet another "national best seller," apparently. This time, we are promised "profound insights and ideas that have enormous consequences for today's organizations" and a warning that this is required reading if we ...
科伊尔说的“文化”不是一般意义上的“企业文化”,而是特指人数不太多的精英团队的文化。科伊尔本人实地调研了从创业公司到美军的十多个成功团队,他提出这些团队有三个共同特征, 1、安全感带来的团队认同 2、通过暴露薄弱点提高战斗力 3、可操作的共同目标 ...
>文化密码(最实用最有趣的全球文化解读)(THE CULTURE CODE) 作者: 克洛泰尔·拉帕耶(美) isbn: 7544241920 书名: 文化密码(最实用最有趣的全球文化解读)(THE CULTURE CODE) 页数: 175 译者: 陈亦楠, 李晨 定价: 25.00元 出版社: 南海出版公司 装帧: 平装 出版年: 2008-10-1©...