Jogulu, U. and Ferkins, L. (2012), "Leadership and culture in Asia: The case of Malaysia", Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. 18 No. 4, pp. 531-549.Jogulu, U., & Ferkins, L. (2012). Leadership and culture in Asia: The case of Malaysia. Asia Pacific Business Review, 18(4...
Linehan, P. M., The Culture of Leadership in Contemporary China: Conflict, Values, and Perspectives for a New GenerationJournal of Chinese Political Science -doi:10.1007/s11366-020-09658-8Raman G. VenkatSpringer NetherlandsJournal of Chinese Political Science...
Alibaba is amazing not because of our business or scale or accomplishments. The best thing about Alibaba is that we come together under a common mission and vision. Our partnership system, unique culture and talented team have laid a strong foundation for the legacy of our company. In fact, ...
阿里巴巴的政委体系及其他(The political commissar system of the Alibaba and others).doc,阿里巴巴的政委体系及其他(The political commissar system of the Alibaba and others) Editors note: if you see Alibaba employees, you will marvel at their love of the
In business, transformational leadership is often the best leadership style to use. However, no one style of leadership fits all situations, so it's useful to understand different leadership frameworks and styles. You can then adapt your approach to fit your situation. From Winston Churchill and ...
but they have greater consequences coming from Tencent and Alibaba given that the two also are major venture capital investors and the prohibitions could impinge on work with the companies in which they invest.) Even if the world is big enough for both of them, Tencent and Alibaba increasingly...
Coaches can help transform today’s education model to support educator growth, innovation, student success, and a culture of change. In this module, it will be shared how instructional coaches and school leaders can work in a collective leadership model to “set the stage” to ...
the key concepts of culture and globalization will be introduced. The following sections will present and discuss the three scenarios of the interaction between globalization and culture, namely heterogenization, homogenization and hybridization. We posit that these scenarios and theoretical per...
Agile leadership enables leaders to inspire others and build a culture of self-organisation, whilst maintaining openness, inclusion, and democracy. It is organised around creating value for customers rather than a strict adherence to hierarchy, and promotes cross-functional collaboration and swift decisio...
of 62Societies(hereafteralsoreferredtoasCLandOorGLOBE),suggests, culturetakestheplaceofprimacyinthisacademicworkonleadership. GLOBEisanacronymforthe‘GlobalLeadershipandOrganizational BehaviourEffectiveness’researchprogram.Teprogramconsistsofthree phases,andphases1and2arereportedinCLandO. CLandOexaminescultureas...