The Crush Cary Elwes, Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Rubin 319 votes Alicia Silverstone made her big-screen debut as a young girl who becomes infatuated with a journalist, played by Cary Elwes, renting a room in her family's home. Her innocent crush quickly spirals into an obsessive and dangerou...
A nostalgic tribute to the 1980s, this romantic comedy follows a recent college graduate, played by Topher Grace, as he pursues his high school crush at a wild Labor Day party. Packed with '80s fashion, music, and pop culture references, the film offers a lighthearted glimpse...
How to watch: Night of the Living Dead is streaming on Hulu. 8. Crush Credit: Hulu The most refreshing thing about Hulu’s latest queer rom-com is that all the characters are super queer. This isn’t a coming-out story about the one queer girl at her high school, or the shy lesb...
including limits on profanity and sensitive material. In the past decades, shows geared toward teens were tight-lipped when it came to sex. Even holding hands was a big deal. But with the advent of streaming services, teen
The New York murderer turned L.A. murderer is taking his questionable talents to Europe, where he'll be masquerading as a professor, keeping tabs on his librarian crush (Tati Gabrielle), getting texts from a stalker, and palling around with privileged jerks. You can take the guy out ofGos...
One of television’s best political dramas,Borgenwas historically hard to find in the U.S., but that changed in 2020 when Netflix picked up the streaming rights for the show’s first three seasons and even signed on to produce a fourth. Following Birgitte Nyborg (Sidse Babett Knudson), a...
While Chris attempts to figure out who he is in the world, he also makes silly videos on YouTube; reaches out to his crush on AIM; and learns the devastation of being removed from a friend’s Top Eight on MySpace. When summer is over, will Chris be ready for high school?
Max Dennison (Omri Katz) is the one responsible for their return. Newly resettled from California, Max is skeptical about the Sanderson sisters' story and convinces his crush Allison (Vinessa Shaw) to bring him to their cottage. Max, his little sister Dani (Thora Birch), and Allison spend ...
Tina's very misplaced crush on very gay Blaine reached very unacceptable heights when she roofied him with NyQuil and climbed aboard his body for some VapoRubbin' creep times. Kurt took his rightful place at the right hand of God atop Nyada's Iron Throne. And Santana moved her perfect ...
The playlists proliferate more than the stations and are quite eclectic, including playlists from Apple Music editors and media outlets such as Mojo, Decibel Magazine and PopCrush. There are hidden gems to discover — for example, a blues-rock- and hard-rock-heavy playlist curated by Judas ...