A nostalgic tribute to the 1980s, this romantic comedy follows a recent college graduate, played by Topher Grace, as he pursues his high school crush at a wild Labor Day party. Packed with '80s fashion, music, and pop culture references, the film offers a lighthearted glimpse...
An undersized, intelligent outsider takes on the challenge of joining the high school football team to impress his crush, only to find that she's more interested in his athletic best friend. With heartfelt performances, laugh-out-loud moments, and an inspiring message about perseverance...
Ulli Lommel seemed to be obsessed with small town Americana as a German director, between The Devonsville Terror and The Boogeyman. While The Boogeyman seems more romanticized and quaint, The Devonsville Terror is a no-holds-barred attack on incels who burn women as witches at the stake for ...
4. Crush (1992) 5. Used People (1992) 6. Safe Passage (1994) 7. The Daytrippers (1996) 8. The Spitfire Grill (1996) 9. Spy Hard (1996) 10. The First Wives Club (1996) 11. Far Harbor (1996) 12. Flubber (1997) 13. Desperate Measures (1998) 14. Curtain Call (1999) 15. ...
Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap By what name was The Sandlot (1993) officially released in India in Hindi? Answer Learn more about contributing Edit page Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more....
Synopsis: Lonely transit worker Lucy Eleanor Moderatz (Sandra Bullock) pulls her longtime crush, Peter (Peter Gallagher), from the path of an... [More] Starring: Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman, Peter Gallagher, Peter Boyle Directed By: Jon Turteltaub Muriel's Wedding (1994) 81% #106 ...
attracted to one another is natural. The puns the two main characters tossed back and forth was at first mildly awkward for me but when you are dating and comfortable you let down your guard and let the real person out. I do recommend this movie but you need to be patient and let it...
If Hezbollah sits this out, the IDF will systematically crush Gaza. However, serious attacks from Southern Lebanon will stretch the IDF ground force to the limit. “Egypt will be unable to sit it out. Jordan may fall apart under the pressure of internal unrest. In short, the world could ...
Atr is a serine/threonine kinase, known to sense single-stranded DNA breaks and activate the DNA damage checkpoint by phosphorylating Chek1, which inhibits Cdc25, causing cell cycle arrest. This pathway has not been implicated in neuroregeneration. We sh
brooding young adult who’s accidentally shut in with his teen crush for the winter. Not a good movie, not even close, but a decent enough spectacle and that’s all it intends to be. This might not be one of Roland Emmerich’s best, but it’s also a far, far cry from his worst...