a method of putting to death by nailing or binding to a cross, normally by the hands and feet, which was widespread in the ancient world (ˌkruːsɪˈfɪkʃən) n 1.(Ecclesiastical Terms)the Crucifixionthe crucifying of Christ at Calvary, regarded by Christians as the culminat...
1. to put to death by crucifixion 2. slang to defeat, ridicule, etc, totally: the critics crucified his performance. 3. to treat very cruelly; torment 4. to subdue (passion, lust, etc); mortify [C13: from Old French crucifier, from Late Latin crucifīgere to crucify, to fasten to...
This Christmastide, I’ve been re-reading Charles Williams’ “supernatural thriller,”War in Heaven, in which several malevolent individuals invoke demonic forces, not only to gain power but also for the perverse pleasure of destroying whatever is true and good. Their chief nemesis is an Anglica...
Notwithstanding these corrections, the passage is still wanting in twenty-five Latin manuscripts, the oldest and fairest; two qualities seldom united, except in manuscripts...The three witnesses have been established in our Greek Testaments by the prudence of Erasmus; the honest bigotry of the Comp...
The original pluralstigmatarefers to the crucifixion wounds of Christ and to the marks of these wounds as they have appeared on the bodies of certain Christian mystics. Ex.Mystics known to have experienced stigmata include Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Siena. ...
The Passion of the Christ: Directed by Mel Gibson. With Jim Caviezel, Maia Morgenstern, Christo Jivkov, Francesco De Vito. Depicts the final twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem.
Crux(kro͝oks)[Lat.,=cross], small but brilliant southernconstellationwhose four most prominent members form a Latin cross, the famous Southern Cross. The long arm of the cross, terminating in the brightest member,Acrux(Alpha Crucis), points almost directly at the south celestial pole. Two ...
THE INTERPRETATION OF THE EVANGELIC PLOT IN THE STORY "THE LAST TEMPTATION" BY A. KONDRATIEV The author of the article analyses the interpretation of the gospel episode of the Crucifixion of Christ in the story "The Last Temptation" by A. Kondratie... TN Voronina - ПРОБЛЕМЫИС...
with the meaning of “an open-air representation of the crucifixion of Jesus,” and then later took on the sense of “an experience of usually intense mental suffering.” The word as used to refer to the location of Jesus' crucifixion is capitalized, but in other uses the word is ...
[Old English cros, from Old Irish cross (unattested), from Latin crux; see crux] ˈcrosser n ˈcrossly adv ˈcrossness n Cross (krɒs) n 1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified 2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the Crucifixion of Jesus Cross (krɒs) ...