As we were halfway through the walk chatting away I suddenly realised there was quite a loud noise in the field behind. Peeping through a gap in the hedge I saw a combine harvester was cutting the meadow grasses to make hay. It’s been much better, drier weather lately. At last! It...
'As a professional interior design consultancy, Allcroft House Interiors focuses on quality, practicality, detail and value to create functional, desirable spaces.' Working from their studio in the picturesque village of Blockley in the Cotswolds, the consultancy's principal interior designer, Shawn ...
The question is, did Gloucestershire, one down, need fewer than four an over to win, or more than ten? That you cannot guess the balance of a match from a look at the field (or, as in this case, would guess incorrectly) is an indication that it’s probably wrong. Surely Sussex’...
It has already been a frantic summer with non-stop gatherings and celebratory toasts. It is the end of school for our youngest son (and the end of an era for us), our twins have turned 21 and there has been the happiest Gloucestershire wedding – my sister to the learned doctor – who...
The real-life University of Gloucestershire, a post-1992 institution, was established out of the Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education in 2001, the date of publication of the novel. The fictional institution is clearly a ‘new’ university from the 1960s: ‘Jasper Richmond, the ...
Of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire. And this, in common with so many other people, is how I found Edward Thomas, revered as a poet but almost completely forgotten as a writer of fiction. * * * Edward Thomas was born in Lambeth, London in 1878 and studied history at Oxford. His first...
He was formerly the Provost, Dean of the Zurn School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Director of the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania, Adovasio is best known for his work at Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Pennsylvania and for his subsequent role...
North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Maternity Voices Partnership, British Adult Congenital Cardiac Nurse Association, British Association of Perinatal Medicine, British Human Immunodeficiency Virus Association, British Intrapartum Care Society, British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society, British Thyroid Founda...
老索德伯里, 南克罗夫特农场(Old Sodbury, Southcroft Farm) 施洗者圣约翰, 老索德伯里-皮西纳(St John the Baptist, Old Sodbury - Piscina) 绿色, 老索德伯里, 格洛斯特郡2017(The Green, Old Sodbury, Gloucestershire 2017) 绿色, 老索德伯里, 格洛斯特郡2017(The Green, Old Sodbury, Gloucestershire 201...