Based on definition of patent abuse, the composing factors of patent abuse are analysed, and the current legislative situation of patent abuse is studied. 在对专利权滥用进行界定的基础上,分析了专利权滥用的构成要件,对我国规制专利权滥用的立法现状进行了剖析,并重点就如何加强我国规制专利权滥用行为的立...
Patent(cont.) Whatispatentable? Anyprocess,machine, manufacture, orcompositionofmatter, orimprovementthereof,thatmeetsthefollowingcriteria: 1.utility, 2.novelty, 3.non-obviousness,and 4.adequatedisclosurePatent(cont.)PatentapplicationFilingapatentapplicationExaminationoftheapplicationbyapatentofficer3. Granting...
Noun1.patent right- the right granted by a patent; especially the exclusive right to an invention legal right- a right based in law law,jurisprudence- the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow fre...
aCan you supply this product?[translate] athe owner reserves all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registrtion of a utility model or design. 在专利的津贴或一个实用新型或设计的registrtion情形下,所有者预留所有权利。[translate]...
aThe term patent usually refers of an exclusive rights granted to anyone who invents any new,useful, and non-obvious process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, and claims that right in a formal patent application. 期限专利通常...
aGerman patents.[translate] apatent rights have been granted (geographical scope of patent Lerner (1994) used a number of technological classes (IPC sub-classes) to measure the technological scope of each patent, with[translate]
The Basics Of Patent RightsT. StellaThe Market Mogul
After the test is completed, employers are sent your raw score (the number of questions you get right) and your percentile (how you did compared to everyone else who’s taken the test) The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test, or CCAT, measures your ability to problem solve, use new information...
Design Patent Adesign patentapplies to the unique look of a manufactured item. Take, for example, an automobile with a distinctive hood or headlight shape. These visual elements are part of the car’s identity and may add to its value; however, without protecting these components with a paten...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States. To help track where we are on this journey, and to amplify success stories, in this ...