大家看这个题干本身是一个因果关系:Thecrime ratenowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advances in technology.原因是科技进步,现在社会中先进的科技,结果是犯罪率和过去相比有所下降。 我们需要在文中表达出是否同意犯罪率降低是由科技进步带来的。 如果同意,则需要说一说科技为什么可以降低犯罪率,可...
3) Studies show that crime rates are lower amongthose with educational degrees. Therefore,thebest way to reduce the crime rate is to educatecriminals while they are still in prison.To whatextent do you agree or disagree?3.2 【Crime + Technology 】4) The crime rate nowadays is decreasingcomp...
A recent survey shows that the crime (犯罪) rate is decreasing.2. My hometown is a seaside (海滨的) city.3. Don't forget to take out the garbage (垃圾).4. They were nothing but thieves (小偷) who stole small things.5. I'm a relative newcomer (新来者;新手) to the retail ...
2. The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree? 3. Many criminals commit further crimes as soon as they released from prison. What do you think are the causes of this? What possible soluti...
Part of the danger is that when you're languishing, you might not notice the dulling of delight or the decreasing of drive. You don't catch yourself slipping slowly into aloneness; you're indifferent to your indifference. When you can't see your own suffering, you don't seek help or ...
It is run by organised crime groups that oblige firms to buy counterfeit products to be used in the production process or to be sold on the market. Over time, they have also become entrepreneurs in this sector, by both investing the capital of the criminal “holding” and directly managing...
Walby S, Towers J, Francis B. Is violent crime increasing or decreasing? A new methodology to measure repeat attacks making visible the significance of gender and domestic relations. Br J Criminol 2015; published online Dec 31. DOI:10.1093/bjc/azv131....
14、 A. Increasing interest rate. B. Decreasing financial products. C. Buying substantial securities. D. Expanding financial business. 15、 A. Fracking can influence the burning of fossil fuels. B. The use of fracking will do harm to environment. C. Fracking technology is a safe practice in...
"题目: China Calls for Unified International Rules against Internet Crime Cyber security has always been a serious issue as the Internet industry is ever growing. Nowadays, people can easily connect to the Internet with a simple click of a mouse. But the global network can be easily destroyed ...
Twice a year clocks get adjusted as a result of the sun’s decreasing or increasing daylight hours. This past Nov. 3rd, clocks nationwide gained an hour in exchange for an hour of daylight in the evenings... Smartphones have turned memories into moments By...