In The Crew® 2, take on the American motorsports scene as you explore and dominate the land, air, and sea of the United States in one of the most exhilarating open worlds ever created. With a wide variety of exotic cars, bikes, boats, and planes to ch
With access to free content, new game modes, tracks, vehicles, events, and more added every season, The Crew® 2 has all you need for an unforgettable ride.Take on the American motorsports scene, discover exhilarating landscapes and pick your favorite vehicles among hundreds. Experience the ...
Explore the first realistic recreation of the entire USA ever built for a driving game in The Crew® Ultimate Edition, your all inclusive edition of the revolutionary action driving game The Crew®. INCLUDES: - The Crew® - The Crew® Wild Run expansion - The Crew® Calling All Unit...
In The Crew® 2, take on the American motorsports scene as you explore and dominate the land, air, and sea of the United States in one of the most exhilarating open worlds ever created. With a wide variety of exotic cars, bikes, boats, and planes to c
Explore the first realistic recreation of the entire USA ever built for a driving game in The Crew® Ultimate Edition, your all inclusive edition of the revolutionary action driving game The Crew®. INCLUDES: - The Crew® - The Crew® Wild Run expansion - The Crew® Calling All Unit...
Get ready for a high-speed trip across the USA and enjoy one of the most complete open-world action driving experiences ever created. With access to free content, new game modes, tracks, vehicles, events, and more added every season, The Crew® 2 has all you need for an unforgettable ...
The Crew G..最近一直有闪退现象,本主,经过一系列测试,发现更新后一些重要问题,就拿本主来说,更新前随便玩,更新后打开游戏窗口后自动退,本以为是系统出问题,做了新系统,启用了新SSD(那是我装新机子用的),但还是不
我們接下來的免費更新內容——《The Crew® 2》第 2 季第 1 章:The Agency——將在 3 月 17 日開放給所有《The Crew® 2》玩家,包括 Xbox Series X|S 與 PlayStation®5 的各位。 本次更新包含全新特技遊戲模式、載具,還有我們最新的 Motorpass。如同往常,我們後續也會定期於遊戲中推出即時內容,如新...
The Crew, 免费下载. The Crew 2: The Crew by Ivory Tower in collaboration with Ubisoft Reflections The Crew is an exhilarating racing video game developed by …