(把教程中的_AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt文本换成这个游戏的机翻文本就行了) 另外,请把配置文件Config.ini中 [Behaviour]项目下的 MaxCharactersPerTranslation等号后面的数字改成2500,以显示长文本 如果想实时机翻的请参考以下视频中的置顶:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k2421c7CD/?vd_source=cd9fe31092...
st charles ave street st christopher nevis st ciarans st crew st gearing datatxt st germain area st god but dont et to st helena hoopoe st ignucius st johns wort tea st lesson network tea st louis united state st louis mo st luke st mounted police st movementallegro st mtovementallegro...
nucleo-cytoplasmic in nucleobase nucleofaction nucleolar chromati nucleonic configurati nucleophilicaromatics nucleor nucleotide analogues nucleotides bases rel nucleus freedom nucleus posterior com nucleusventralis late nucleuscrew nucleusintermediolate nucleusolivaris nucleusventralisthala nuclidecomputertomogr nuddi...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel API Get episode, cast and crew data from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel Cat as a Service (CATAAS) Is a REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats. N/A Comic Vine An extremely mature, well organized and continually updated resourc...
erase or commentthefuckalias line from your Bash, Zsh, Fish, Powershell, tcsh, ... shell config use your package manager (brew, pip3, pkg, crew, pip) to uninstall the binaries The Fuckattempts to match the previous command with a rule. If a match is found, a new command is created...
Utilize the default consistency config file; Set between a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 20 player slots; Use a maximum of 5 spectator slots; Use only whitelisted mods. The list can be found in our discord server, oron our wiki.You can apply for a mod to be whitelisted in our #modd...
This month's release contains support for modded clouds, tiles swaying in the wind, opening up a ModConfig menu directly, and many more changes. We look forward to mod updates using these new features. We've also updated the mod publishing process to ensure that every mod has a custom ico...
crew install thefuck On other systems, installThe Fuckby usingpip: 代码语言:javascript 复制 pip install thefuck Alternatively, you may use an OS package manager (OS X, Ubuntu, Arch). #It is recommended that you place this command in your.bash_profile,.bashrc,.zshrcor other startup script...
ownersharingrule servicecrew servicecrewmember servicecrewownersharingrule servicepresencestatus servicereport servicereportlayout serviceresource serviceresourcecapacity serviceresourcecapacityhistory serviceresourceownersharingrule serviceresourcepreference serviceresourceskill servicesetupprovisioning servicet...
got the whole crew out there in Redmond hammering out a boot animation, everything else is on hold... Anyhow, I particularly like that MS is subtly pushing hardware manufacturers towards supporting certain things (like higher resolutions) without requiring the device driver. For too many years ...