光之創造神赫爾阿克帝牌組介紹(光の創造神ホルアクティ/The Creator God of Light, Horakhty) 遊戯王牌組介紹特殊勝利屬性-神屬性種族-創造神族 もう少しだ。頑張ってくれ 相棒、みんな、来たぜ 今、ファラオの名の封印は解かれた。我が名は、アテム!
The archetype of the all-seeing one-eyed sun god can also be found in other ancient cultures. In Persia, Ahura Mazda was considered to be the creator of Earth, the heavens, and humankind, as well as the source of all goodness and happiness on earth. He was said to have “the sun fo...
Zorc Necrophades Holactie the Creator of Light (The Creator God of Light, Horakhty)Other Arthur Hawkins (Arthur Hopkins) Serenity Wheeler (Shizuka Kawai) Bakura's father Shadi Sam (Tom) Mr. Tsunami (Mr. Kajiki) Cecelia Pegasus (Cyndia) Yugi's mother Mrs. Wheeler (Ms. Kawai) Johnny Step...