创作者们,请别太用力!——读《The Creative Act》 这周无意之间在Foyles书店发现了一本让我十分激动的书,书名叫《The Creative Act: A Way of Being》,译为《创造的修行:一种存在方式》,忍不住要跟大家分享。 这本风格独特的书谈论创作,谈论艺术,谈论生命,也谈论更宏大的生存哲学。而整本书的语言温柔而亲...
《A Way of Being》基本上是我除了康德第三本批判之外读的唯一关于艺术的书。其作者Rick Rubin是十次格莱美获奖音乐制作人,这本书阐述了他对艺术人生的理解。读了一会这本书,我忽然意识到艺术化人生不仅是艺术家应有的状态,其实也是普通人(非艺术家)可以采用的工作与生活状态。 为什么艺术人生适用于普通人?这要从...
The Creative Act 作者:Rick Rubin 出版社:Penguin Press 副标题:A Way of Being 出版年:2023-1-17 页数:432 定价:USD 42.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780593652886 豆瓣评分 8.2 100人评价 5星 49.0% 4星 29.0% 3星 16.0% 2星 5.0% 1星 1.0% 评价:...
《创意行为》The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin 传奇音乐制作人Rick Rubin一直致力于帮助人们通过音乐与他们的创造力源泉建立联系,而这本Rubin精心筹备了多年的书籍,更是蕴涵了其他深刻的智慧。 许多著名的音乐制作人...
I've given the definition of staff-plus, some archetypes. Life of an Artist The idea for this talk came up from a book I read recently called, "The Creative Act: A Way of Being," by Rick Rubin. He's a famous music producer, founding a lot of really popular famous bands with a ...
“The Creative Act: A Way of Being” is evidence that, a few years later, Rubin’s answer remains the same. His view of the creative process and the tools he provides for leading an artistic life are often head-scratching, convoluted, and contradictor...
Book giveaway for The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin, from Penguin Press and the bulk book experts at Porchlight Book Company. From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of their creativity, com
简介:The Creative Act: A Way of Being 作者:Rick Rubin 简介:From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of their creativity, comes a beautifully crafted book many years in the making that offers that same deep wisdom to all of us. ...
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Pentagram’s Paula Scher was contacted by Rick Rubin for advice as he prepared to publish his new book,The Creative Act: A Way of Being. Here, Paula and Rick recount the series of design decisions that resulted in the final book.