“Mona Lisa” or “Gioconda,” by Leonardo da Vinci. The legendary Italian painter’s work is the most famous painting in the world. On the canvas, da Vinci depicted a noble Florentine woman, known as Lisa Gherardini, who was the wife of the influential merchant Giocondo. This is one of...
Turning to Griffin, Karen talked about how sport can also be a way out of poverty. She wanted to include all the different elements of sport – class, cultural, economic, and so on. She said if a child shows an ounce of talent, parents are sold the idea that their child can play fo...
the rationalized art of the ancient world was reborn. The founder of Renaissance painting wasMasaccio. The intellectuality of hisconceptions, the monumentality of his compositions, and the high degree of naturalism in his works mark Masaccio as a pivotal figure in Renaissance painting. The succeeding...
Learn facts about The School of Athens, a painting by the Italian artist Raphael. Read about Plato, Aristotle, and other philosophers depicted in...
•TheRenaissancewascharacterizedbyasurgeofinterestinclassicallearningandvalues.•既是复古,又是创新。——伏尔泰(法)•新文化运动(“文化复兴”)Reasonvs.DivineRevelation •中世纪的精神,人们眼睛总是想着彼岸,想着天国和地狱,理性是由上帝来掌握的。到文艺复兴之后,人们的眼睛是看着此岸,看着现世的。从...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States. To help track where we are on this journey, and to amplify success stories, in this ...
If God is present at every point in space, if we cannot go where He is not, cannot even conceive of a place where he is not, why then has not that Presence become one of the universally celebrated facts of the world? The patriarch Jacob saw a vision of God and cried out in wonder...
“Our perceptions are often different to others as one only has minimal information and facts, yet we tend to make assumptions, which are all too often wrong” Áine continued with this line of thought:” Yes, from that basis how often do we find we have unfairly assessed someone or ...
Since the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel has been cleaned, numerous scholarly articles and books1 have been written about the wonderful things revealed: the brilliant hues, the subtlety of the color of modeling, the persuasiveness of the details, the work
can come out of the difficulty. –Peter Marshall He can wield hisREDEEMING POWERover any situation (Matthew 19:26). There is no situation so chaotic that God cannotfrom that situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it at the creation. He did it at the cross. He is...