米开朗基罗的作品「The Creation of Adam (detail)」无水印高清大图免费下载,创作年代:1512,图片尺寸:800x349px,风格:文艺复兴盛期,体裁:宗教画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」nbfox.com
the creation of adam 英式音标:[ðə] [kriːˈeɪʃ(ə)n] [ɒv; (ə)v] [ˈædəm]美式音标:[ðə] [krɪˈeʃən] [əv] [ˈædəm]...
FOOTJOINTS (Anatomy)THUMBSYMPTOMSARTISTIC masterpieceRHEUMATOID arthritisThis article discusses the presence of clinical hand and foot signs in two famous Renaissance artworks: "The Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo and "The School of Athens" by Raphael. The author notes ...
The terminology is identical to that used to describe the creation of Adam by the Deity. La terminología es idéntica a la usada para describir la creación de Adán por la Deidad. Literature The creation of Adam, it's the heart of the fresco. La Creación de Adán es el centro ...
The Creation of Adam is Michelangelo's fresco(壁画)painted during 1508 to 1512. The painting is based onthe Biblical story of creation and presents more than theartist's brave point of view. It might only be a part of theSistine Chapel ceiling, but something about this paintingmakes it sta...
维也纳阿尔贝蒂娜博物馆,© C.Stadler/Bwag; CC-BY-SA-4.0 肌肉与力量的描绘 身为雕塑家的米开朗琪罗创作了很多经典的绘画作品,比如《多尼通多》(The Doni Tondo)木板蛋彩画和《创造亚当》(The Creation of Adam)壁画等。 通过不同材质绘画的练习,米开朗琪罗的雕塑显得更加精巧,同样,也正是因为在雕塑上的精...
Jorge Granda - The Creation of Adam 专辑: Artificial (Original Soundtrack) 歌手:Jorge Granda 还没有歌词哦Jorge Granda - The Creation of Adam / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 The Creation of Adam Jorge Granda 00:54Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 ...
DJ Thera、Andrew Benzinger - The Creation of Adam (feat. Andrew Benzinger)(Explicit) 酷狗音乐 / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 The Creation of Adam DJ Thera、Andrew Benzinger 03:50Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载 关闭