The Crazies - Fürchte deinen Nächsten: Regie: Breck Eisner Mit Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson, Danielle Panabaker Nach einem seltsamen und unsicheren Flugzeugabsturz gelangt ein ungewöhnlicher giftiger Virus in eine malerische Baue
The Crazies: Breck Eisner द्वारा निर्देशित. Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson, Danielle Panabaker के साथ. शेरिफ़ डेविड डटन और उ
The Crazies 又名: 杀出狂人镇 电影原声带 表演者: Mark Isham 流派: 原声专辑类型: Soundtrack 介质: Audio CD 发行时间: 2010-02-23 出版者: Varese Sarabande 唱片数: 1 条形码: 0030206700923 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听 在听 听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 ...
【恐怖/惊悚】杀出狂人镇 / 尸心疯 The Crazies 2010 坐落于美国宾夕法尼亚州的奥格登·马什镇人心惶惶,原因是因为小镇上的居民接二连三的开始生一种怪病,这种病发作起来,人首先会愤怒发狂,到处杀人,最后暴毙...
电影简介:《杀出狂人镇》(The Crazies)是一部2010年上映的恐怖电影,导演为布瑞克·埃斯纳尔(Breck Eisner)。影片以紧张刺激的情节和出色的演员阵容赢得了观众的喜爱。主要演员:蒂莫西·奥利芬特(Timothy Olyphant)饰演主角大卫(David),拉妲·米契尔(Radha Mitchell)饰演裘蒂(Judy),乔·安德森(Joe Anderson...
The Crazies(2010– ) TV Series|Animation, Horror Edit pageAdd to list Track Through 4 motion comic episodes of The Crazies, a outbreak's origins and how it infects and effects the population of Ogden Marsh, unfolds. Seasons 1See all ...
杀出狂人镇(2010)《The Crazies》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,[两天前] 我们会再相逢 Well meet again 不知何地 Dont know where 不知何时 Dont know when 但我知道我们会再相逢 But I know well meet again 在某个阳光灿烂的日子 Some sunny day [皮尔斯县警长] 一直微
The Crazies (2010) Overview After a strange and insecure plane crash, an unusual toxic virus enters a quaint farming town. A young couple are quarantined, but they fight for survival along with help from a couple of people. Are you interested in getting your work seen? El Rey Network is ...
Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about The Crazies. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Box Office as of 02/12/25 Become a member to see Box Office information about The Crazies. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Release date 二月26, 2010 (United States) Awards 11 nomin...