The snow was cold, wet, hard to walk through, slippery, murderous. I waded through three feet of snow the ten feet to my garage. I had one of those hand-held Benzomatic soldering torches out there. While I was sitting inside lamenting the loss of my snow shovel, I had gotten a ...
I pretty much said the same to her about her, except I added her yellow, almost orange, teeth like a beaver’s. We sat there for an hour saying hurtful things to each other—not holding back. I felt bad about myself in a new way. We told the truth to each other and it set us...
My mother’s voice drones on. She is not talking to me. She is talking to the puke, but she is calling it my name: Claudia. She wipes it up as best she can and puts a scratchy towel over the large wet place. I lie down again. The rags have fallen from the window crack, and...
Shortly afterwards, I noticed several individuals of a species I’d not yet seen at that location—Cicindelidia tenuisignata(thin-lined tiger beetle)—in an area of the alkaline flats that was wet from lake water lapping over the edge. I was able to not only collect a handful of specime...
Eventually the bridge crossed well above a creek passing through a crack in the middle of a densely packed forest. We took a few minutes to savor the magic of that moment, the spiritual power of the stillness. Our route began by tracing the left wing of the butterfly. Once we hit ...
(Plateau giant tiger beetle), one of which had had found up on the rock slope the last time I was here, but I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of clambering over steep, wet rocks in the dark and settled for the pavement up to the beginning of the tent campground and back. Large ...
Not even from a body bag. However, I hope that one day, if my grandchildren are involved in organized sports, my adult children will crack it open. Its wisdom promises to span generations. In fact, it already has. Athletes are more than collections of strained, surprised, and sometimes co...
My mother’s voice drones on. She is not talking to me. She is talking to the puke, but she is calling it my name: Claudia. She wipes it up as best she can and puts a scratchy towel over the large wet place. I lie down again. The rags have fallen from the window crack, and...
The Crack Pillow A disheveled woman – apparently high on something and wearing camo-gear, walked in with the pillow seen in the photo above a hatchet stating, “You never know when you’re going to need firewood.” Check the link to see her behavior at the bar and in leaving. The ...
, bait; tamaquei mbison, beaver bait. Mboagan, death. Mboawikcham, hiccough. Mboiwi, mortal, dead. Mbokquasquihillan, to break in the ice. Mechakgilik, great, big. Mechakhokque, the month when cold makes the trees crack, December; (dub., A.) Mechamek, wild rhubarb. ...