Selective new programmes in the UK The Skynet contract, won in 2023 with an initial value of more than £400 million, to upgrade and operate the UK Government's military satellite and space operations has significantly broadened our secure communications capability and strengthened our leading posi...
The baby Lorgar’s stasis pod came to rest on the giant planet Colchis –a previously advanced world which had devolved back into a low-tech, largely nomadic society, where power was held by a fanatical religious clique called the Covenant. Priests of the Covenant preached what they called...
Boosting cooperation under the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, focusing on cities as drivers of climate action and clean energy transition, in order to double the number of signatories in the region (nearly 300 cities by 2023). Implementing its Sustainable and Smart Mobility Stra...
that prohibits followers of Judaism from entering the area of the former Second Temple, especially since the exact location of the destroyed Temple is not known, entering this place involves the risk of desecrating Kodesh Hakodashim, the most holy place in which was the Ark of the Covenant. 87...
with junk rated bonds. At the same time they are also burdened with high yielding, leveraged and covenant- lite loans. Taken together they are about $2.4 Trillion of debt. 2007 sub prime loans. 2018 corporate junk bonds and leveraged loans. 2007 banks and SPVs funded by the banks. 2018?
This vagueness of the godhead and a general obsession with “silly” sacerdotalism leaves the original covenant vulnerable. Hinduism enters a “medieval” stage when the age of the great epics and a moment of profound synthesis in the Bhagwat Gita is followed by the centuries dominated by ...