TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Wynnstay Axi^ s Inn, in Oswestry, some- time in the Month of January next ( Particulars of which will appear in future Papers): C4UNDKY LOTS of very valuable OAK, ASH, and other TIMBER, now stand- ing in Coppices at TREVEDRID, in the Parish of ...
There are many thriving Coppices of Timber on this Estate, which, the Purchaser or Purchasers must take to at a fair Valuation. Mr. JOHN JONES, of Cefnllan aforesaid, will shew the Lots and further Particulars may be obtained on Application to Mr. WILLIAM LLOYD, Court House, near Newtown...
The above Timber is standing in Coppices and on Lands at HALSTON, in the several Parishes of Halston and Whittington, in the County of Salop, and within a short Distance of the Ellesmere Canal at Maestermyn Wharf. The Oak is chiefly of good Dimensions, suitable for Naval and other ...
BECK, at the Shrewsbury Bunk Capital Freehold Coppice Lanrti Messuage, and Timber, with Underwood of Years' Growth. BY J. " BROOME, At the Crown lun, Church Stretton, on Monday. the l6lh Day of May, is! 4, at four o'Clock in the Afteruuou, subject to Conditions ; ALL lhat ...
HEIGHWAY, I of THE COPPICE FARM, near Dorrington, in the County of Salop : consisting of 5 Cows in- calf, I 3 Heifers in- ditto, 3 two- year old Bullocks, 7 Year- I lings, 4 Calves ; 3 Waggon Horses, 1 Ditto Mare I in- foal, 1 Half- bred Mare in- ditto, Gearing for 5...
And al. o n valuable Coppice of thriving young Trees now on Hand, called Bickley Coppice, contain- ing, by Admeasurement, 23 A 2R. 28P. or thereabout, situate in the Township of Bielon, in ibe Parish of Saint Chad aforesaid, on the Bunks of the River Severn. This fine Properly ad...
All this while the hitch was worrying the little cur in tire coppice, and Herbert cry iug < jut, " Seizeh\ m, Jij).'" ~ » VVhen 1 got up, I saw my little whelp quaking by the hedge; 1 took It in . my iirms, and was conveying it towards the road, when HerbertHigain ...