The_Cop_and_the_Anthem_警察与赞美诗.ppt,The Cop and the Anthem By O.Henry (1862-1910 ) (警察与赞美诗) Background Soapy , a homeless tramp, want to find a warm and safe place for the winter with the bitterly cold winter coming. But he didnt want to acce
The-Cop-and-the-Anthem-警察与赞美诗-欧亨利.ppt,The Cop and the Anthem O. Henry O. Henry 1862-1910 William Sidney Porter The Harrells, with whom Porter stayed in Austin, had a cat named Henry that Porter would Play with. The cat would come running when Po
The Cop and The Anthem By O. Henry 韩恋The main containThe character Soapy, is homeless, a member of the substantial army
The Cop and the Anthem翻译赏析与对比 TheKiteRunner Briefintroductionontheauthor KhaledHosseini卡勒德·胡赛尼(1965~今)1965年3月4日出生于阿富汗喀布尔市,后随父亲移居美国。胡赛尼毕业于加代表作品:州大学圣地亚哥医学系。TheKiteRunner(2006)AThousandSplendidSuns(2007)译本介绍 李继宏 李静宜 译者介绍 V1 ...
资源描述: 《TheCopandtheAnthem翻译赏析与对比.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《TheCopandtheAnthem翻译赏析与对比.ppt(28页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。 1、 Brief introduction on the authorKhaled Hosseini 卡勒德胡赛尼( 1965今 )1965年 3月 4日 出生于阿 富汗 喀布尔市,后随父亲 移居 美国。胡赛...
重大 英语 BOOK6the cop and the anthem 课件 资源描述: 1、The Cop and the AnthemLearning Goals:o Get to know the structure of a story.o Try to guess the meaning of words and find out the detailed information.o Discuss the purpose of the story and understand the story better.What is the...
TheCopandtheAnthem LearningGoals:Gettoknowthestructureofastory.Trytoguessthemeaningofwordsandfind outthedetailedinformation.Discussthepurposeofthestoryand understandthestorybetter.Whatisthestyleofthesonginthevideo?A.popsongC.soulsong B.rockmusicD.anthem(赞美诗)copCopisapersonwho___.pickpocket...
The Cop and The AnthemBy O. Henry 韩恋The main containThe character Soapy, is homeless, a member of the substantial army of underclass men and women who had flocked to New York City during the earliest years of the twentieth century.
文档介绍:The Cop and the AnthemO. HenryO. Henry1862-1910William Sidney PorterThe Harrells, with whom Porter stayed in Austin, had a cat named Henry that Porter would Play with. The cat e running when Porter would shout “Oh, Henry!” William Trevor writes that when Porter was in...
系统标签: anthem cop soapy jail policeman umbrella TheCopandtheAnthemByO.HenryAbouttheAuthor••O.Henrypseud.ofWilliamSydneyPorter,1862-1910,Americanshort-storywriter.Hisshort,simplestoriesarenotedfortheircarefulplotting,ironiccoincidences,andsurpriseendings.Althoughhisstorieshavebeencriticizedasshallowandcontriv...