The Convent Kelly Mantle, Coolio, Adrienne Barbeau 176 votes The Convent is a 2000 horror film directed by Mike Mendez. The film had its world premiere on 21 January 2000 at the Sundance Film Festival and follows a group of college students that go into an abandoned convent, only to discov...
The Convent(2018)Heretiks Trailer 4.5 Movie UK 81 minutes Released مصري +18 Release Date:31 July2019(Egypt)(more) Genre:History(more) When young (Persephone) is falsely accused in the early 17th century and put to trial,a mysterious Reverend Mother intervenes at the right time an...
The Convent(2000) Before he directed an enjoyable tribute to ‘50s monster movies called “Big Ass Spider,” Mike Mendez paid homage to ‘80s splatter films with this ghoulish tale set in an abandoned convent. The plot is simple: all hell breaks loose when a group of newbie Satanists acc...
TV Movie|92 min|Crime, Drama, Thriller Edit pageAdd to list Track Rick and Leslie Knowlton move their family from a crime-ridden inner-city suburb to an alleged violence-free haven overseen by godlike businessman Phillip Denig. They soon discover that life in The Colony is more sinister th...
Dig Deeper Behind-The-Scenes Facts From The Original 'Iron Man' Movie That Demand A Rewatch Also ranks #2 on The Best Iron Man Versions Of All Time Also ranks #3 on 20 Benevolent Characters Who Turn Out To Be The Bad Guy, Ranked By How Quickly You Saw It Coming 2 The Iron Giant ...
[C16: probably from Old Frenchcovingroup, ultimately from Latinconvenīreto come together; compare convent] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
but the return of Bond matched all reasonable expectations and then blasted past them. From Craig'sfirst 00-ppearance, a Bourne-like flashback ferocious enough to pin moviegoers back in their seats, every head-punch, put-down and swimming-trunk-clad step felt like a mission statement for ...
(some of whom, in later seasons, are more well-known to American audiences) play heightened versions of themselves. A behind-the-scenes look at French movie making,Call My Agentis just as focused on the various personal dramas at ASK—an agency at war first with a rival agency and then ...
Horror films reached a new peak in the 2000s, with popular films like Friday The 13th and House of Wax being remade.However, the industry also spun out some original horror films, some of which inspired the iconic parody franchise, Scary Movie. The franchise has mocked every horror film, ...
Ida is a Polish language film set in postwar Poland about an orphan who has lived her whole life in a convent and is soon to take her vows as a nun. She is told to return home, visit her aunt, and find out about her past. The young woman meets her troubled aunt, finds out she...