P348 The Conundrum of the Workshops When the flush of a new-born sun fell first on Eden’s green and gold, Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mould; And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart, Till the Devil wh...
The Conundrum of the Fossils –James Lomax JUNIOR WINNERS The Power of One –Oluwatoni Adesanya Destination – Underwater –Evie Alam The Law of the Jungle –Aarushi Dahiya The Ethics of a KitKat –Ruby McIntee JUNIOR RUNNERS UP Push The Button –Noah Dryden-Pell Shein, the Self, and Sus...
one tap on a mobile phone connects us to the other side of the world in a split second. this is an integrated world. those who turn their back on it will have no place in it. living on the same planet, all countries, adjacen...
The conundrum of the object-relational impedance mismatch then is how to best embrace the elegance of object-oriented technologies while retaining the power, flexibility, and long-term stability of a mature relational database engine. Since application programmers are generally the most interested in ...
Infographic by UNStudio. Information source: McKinsey State of Travel Survey 2024 The sustainability conundrum Sustainable tourism has been around for some time and is based on the 17 sustainable development goals from the UN. But can global travel ever be considered truly sustainable? Given the...
This geographic spread of the workshops provides a global view of the models and their future potential across a wide range of horizons and opportunities. 1. Stories that explain how businesses work 6 Thinking about how business models work has risen from a 'modelling' exercise to a more ...
An impaired ocular surface presents substantial challenges in terms of planning for cataract surgery. As a multifactorial ocular disorder, dry eye disease (DED) is common in the general population and prevalent in patients scheduled for lens replacement
One of the pleasures of being in the book industry for so long (hmm… it’s been 36 years. When did that happen?) Anyway, one of the real pleasures is staying in touch with colleagues: booksellers, publishers, distributors, writers and innovators. ...
‘The Conundrum that the notebook solves’ can be read on the Arvon websitehere. ‘That tightrope moment in writing when stories either plummet or remain’ can be readhere. ‘The Dance of Avoidance’to be read by those who are making too many excuses not to write!
Part of the workshop included ethical conundrums an interpreter faces in open court. What happens when a defendant whispers an untoward comment under his breath at counsel table? Is the interpreter obligated to interpret what she hears? Or, does she merely sit aside? Whisper the same comment ...