SDL Trados翻译PDF后,导出时出现“The context list is null. Could not get the last child.”时,该怎么解决? 第一步:保证所翻译文件的原文和译文均已存储在记忆库中。 第二步:打开“文件—选项—文件类型—微软2007-2013—常规”,在“提取超链接:(X)”项的下拉菜单中选“从不处理超链接”,详情请戳下图...
The newLibrarydatabase appears in the list of databases. If you don't see it immediately, refresh the Object Explorer. Create a table Now, let's create theAuthorstable within theLibrarydatabase. Open a new query editor and make sure the connection context is set to theLibrarydatabase. ...
InitializeSecurityContext (Negotiate) function (Windows) ISurfaceManager::get_Device RasEapEnd callback function (Windows) IGatherNotifyInlineInternal::ReleaseInlineNotificationClient method (Windows) ISearchLanguageSupport::EnumerateExpandedTerms method (Windows) GetSegmentAlternateList function (Windows) SHGetS...
Another reason to preload a class is situations where an abstract superclass might be read without the subclasses being seen by the AeroMapper first. For example, a list of Animal might be stored in the database, but Animal is an abstract class with concrete subclasses like Dog, Cat, etc....
If it is during the installation process, please tell us the version of the SQL Server Express which you intended to install, please also locate the installation logs in the path %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\Setup Bootstrap\Log and share it to us. The "nnn" in the path ...
One method is to use ObserveOnCurrentSynchronizationContext. subscription = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) // default TimeProvider is TimeProvider.System .ObserveOnCurrentSynchronizationContext() // uses Blazor RendererSynchronizationContext .Subscribe(_ => { currentCount++; StateHasChanged()...
如题previewer无法预览,Mac端,windows端测了一下没问题。[2024-01-25T15:48:35.849] [INFO] ...
= null); if (itemList.size() > 0) { return itemList.get(0); } else { return null; } } } Next, create a new file and add the TodoDaoFactory class that creates a new DocDbDao object: Java Copy package; public class ...
"Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation" by David Chappell for more on that subject ( WDDM is only of interest in the context of this article because of the new effects it makes possible through the DWM interfaces, and the problems it was designed to ...
View in context When they are, it is easier to hold them, especially when they have not been accustomed to self- government; and to hold them securely it is enough to have destroyed the family of the prince who was ruling them; because the two peoples, preserving in other things the old...