For example, there is no mention of capitalism in its founding texts, the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution (1788, plus 27 amendments). 但很明显,美国人期望无论建立什么制度,它都应该给人们提供金钱和金钱能买到的东西。 But clearly Americans expect that whatever system is ...
The idea that government derives its authority by sanction of the people Articles of Confederation A weak constitution that governed America during the Revolutionary War Constitutional Convention A meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 that produced a new constitution Pennsylvania constitution A governing document...
The NPC and its Standing Committee exercise the right of overseeing the enforcement of the Constitution and the work of the State Council, the National Supervisory Commission, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Pro...
The plan for the government was written in very simple language in a document called the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government. A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its ...
Yet it wasn't until the ratification of the Constitution more than a decade later in 1789 that the democratic principles of the new nation were put into practice. Without the Constitution, the document that guaranteed the protection of civil rights and the restraints put on the state, the ...
“We the people of the United States,” emphasizing that the constitution is an act of the sovereign people of the United States and thus derives its authority directly from the people. In contrast, the previous Articles of Confederation had been an agreement among the states. The ratification ...
It did not depend upon any direct grant of authority from the Constitution, for it is a necessary attribute of nationhood and sovereignty. Not only did the foreign affairs power inhere in the union, but it belonged to the president, who would exercise "plenary" power in his capacity as "...
chapter and verseAn authority that gives credence and validity to one’s opinions or beliefs; a definitive source that can be specifically cited. The phrase derives from the Scriptures which are arranged in chapters and verses, thus facilitating easy reference to particular lines. In non-Biblical ...
Zhu Chengjun’s “wine pot” (hu壺) cannot help but make one smile. Zhu derives the structure of his character from early seal script, but he dramatically transforms its wiry, symmetrical form into a playful embodiment of the spirit of the vessel. His lines quiver as though inebriated of ...
standard quantum theory. There is no reason and no need to ask for more. In fact, they do not say this, but one could maintain that this approach is to be preferred because principle theory explanations are independent on the detailed assumption about the structure or the constitution of ...