Ten minutes or so later, she climbed the stairs quietly. Tim was sat on the bed, looking worried. “Well, I wasn’t expecting to be doing this tonight, I must say,” she laughed at him. “Mr Rodbourne recommended a bare bottom, didn’t he?” Tim’s face reddened yet again. “Ye...
1. to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, support, ornament, or the like: to wear a coat; to wear a wig. 2. to bear or have in one's aspect or appearance: to wear a smile. 3. to cause to deteriorate, diminish, or waste by some constant or repetiti...
circular on questions circular on the quest circular open top circular saw blade gr circular shoulder circular smokehouse circular stairs circular swing saw circular tool rack circular tractrix circular trench manur circular vibrating sc circular vorticity circular water pumpin circular welded non-a circula...
thou wilt surely wear though although though all the lying though and hopes though aubrey though far apart geog though he worked hard though i wished on so though longing for ge though loved though neither did i though not so rapidly though not totally ab though on inner side though still ...
The door was open, and he knew that the sergeant on the stairs could hear every word spoken be tween them. When the door was locked on him again, and he had satisfied himself that no one was watching at the spy-hole, he took up the piece of bread and carefully crumbled...
He escapes Vanity Fair, but he still has to pass through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, where the light is so scarce, and the path so narrow, that he’s in constant danger of stumbling into the ditch on his right or the quagmire on his left. ...
broughtupthefuture.AndtheninlateNovember,Tillyhadanoperationonher 32 .Itook thedogsoutfourtimesaday,andIworriedthat Tilly 33 climbingthestairscouldreopenthe wound.ThenSteve 34 hishouse.Allworked 35 .Thethreedogsformedapackthat,with coaching, 36 Flora?s space;Steve and I formedagoodteam 37 forTil...
“two fat ladies” being called as it has given the call-outs a 21st-century spin. Hosted by quirky, crude and hilariously outlandish hosts who serve up constant lols, this is a bit like bingo on steroids: you’ll be forced up out of your seats to sing and could come away with a ...
Her adventurous experience and survival skills landed her a spot on the reality show Naked and Afraid, in which she and a co-constant had to live on a deserted island for 21 days. Alison’s deep knowledge of how to live in a wildness saved the pair. 4 “After that, I couldn’t ...
such as going for a run or walking quickly up and down stairs. As you do the exercise, push yourself so that the muscles in your thighs are aching, which focusses your attention on the sensations in your thighs. In our experience, an intensive run for 20 minutes quiets the brain while...