【EU4】征服君士坦丁堡-欢迎来到君士坦丁堡(Welcome to Constantinople) 01:25 【EU4】征服君士坦丁堡-商队(The Caravan) 04:35 【EU4】征服君士坦丁堡-在君士坦丁堡城门下(At the Gates of Constantinople) 03:56 【EU4】新世界之歌-游历新世界(Travel the New World) 03:21 【EU4】新世界之歌-狩猎...
【EU4】探索之歌-征服者(The Conqueror) 06:59 【EU4】探索之歌-巴瓦拉之歌(Canzone La Bavara) 06:47 【EU4】探索之歌-红日(Red Sun) 06:12 【EU4】探索之歌-殖民地2(A Settlement 2) 06:32 【EU4】枪炮,鼓点与钢铁2-我的国度-[金属摇滚版](My Kingdom) 03:40 【EU4】枪炮,鼓点...
1452--1462 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Thomas Leisten HolmesDenwood Nathan StacyMehmed the Conqueror (r. 1451–1481) built four fortresses ex nihilo in the years leading up to and immediately following the conquest of Constantinople. Two were located in the immediate vicinity of his new capital: Rumel...
A good example is the name of the Conqueror of Constantinople, Meḥmed II. This name is Muḥammad in Arabic but is actually pronounced Me[h]met in Turkish -- which is an Altaic language that is entirely unrelated to Arabic. Some dispute the reality of the Ural-Altaic family, or ...
and Radu the Handsome in English. This ally and childhood friend of Sultan Mehmet II was instrumental in the conquest of Constantinople for Islam. Radu’s participation in that conquest ensured that Mehmet II would go down in history as “Fatih,” or “Conqueror.” Radu was the Ottomans’ se...
Europe and the conqueror; 13. The survivors; Appendix I. Principal sources for a history of the fall of Constantinople; Appendix II. The churches of Constantinople after the conquest; Notes; Bibliography; Index. 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 的确,1453年在整个历史长河中,不过沧海一粟而已。拜占庭已...
of the Persian chronicler, Rashid al-Din, Chilia Veche was the site of a battle between the armies of Mahomed II, the conqueror of Constantinople, and forces led by Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler). A town on the Ukrainian side of the Danube, known asNovo Kilia(Chilia Noua-'Newer ...
and kidnapped Christian girls for the imperial harem. As a result of this latter practice, Muslim sultans could converse easily in Greek or Italian, the language of their mothers. Mehmet II, the conqueror of Constantinople, Baer reminds us, collected scientific and literary works in both those ...
一、来自奥托曼土耳其的进攻 The Ottoman Turks AttackThe Turks 突厥人 The Ottoman Turks 奥托曼土耳其人 ghazi 加齐(穆斯林战士) Sultan 苏丹二、攻占君士坦丁堡 The Capture of Constantinople Mehmed the Conqueror “征服者”穆罕默德 mercenaries 雇佣兵 the Golden Horn 金角湾 eclipse 月食 Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔 ...
Constantinople (ˌkɒnstæntɪˈnəʊpəl) n (Placename) the former name (330–1926) ofIstanbul Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...