Measuring the connectedness of the global economy. Melbourne Institute Working Paper .Greenwood-Nimmo, M. J., V. H. Nguyen, and Y. Shin (2015): "Measuring the Connectedness of the Global Economy," Working Paper 7/15, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research....
Define connectedness. connectedness synonyms, connectedness pronunciation, connectedness translation, English dictionary definition of connectedness. adj. 1. Joined or fastened together. 2. Mathematics a. Not decomposable into two disjoint nonempty open
(2019) conducted a dynamic analysis of the connectedness of the returns and volatility of seven major regional crude oil spot markets around the world from 2002 to 2017; they found that global crude oil markets are well integrated, but that Asian oil prices are net receivers in both return ...
software, apps, and services. Mobile phone penetration is one of the highest in the world at 92.7 percent as of June 2016, up from 694,000 in 2010. Approximately 800,000 of the island nation’s 1.4 million people are Facebook users, reflecting a connectedness to social media that also ex...
As the total value of the global financial market outgrew the value of the real economy, financial institutions created a global web of interactions that embodies systemic risks. Understanding these networks requires new theoretical approaches and new tools for quantitative analysis. Statistical physics ...
Here, we analyze the structural connectivity of the global terrestrial PA system using measures of both the probability that connectedness can be achieved and the contiguity of intact land (i.e. areas largely devoid of high anthropogenic pressures that significantly alter natural habitat). In this ...
Unveiling the influence of global innovation networks on corporate innovation: evidence from the international semiconductor industry Article Open access 14 May 2024 Introduction The significance of collaborative innovation in the fields of healthcare and medicine has been well demonstrated1. Collaborative ...
Lucia Rahilly:What’s the role of major multinational companies as we look ahead toward reimagining the future of our global connectedness? Olivia White:The first thing that needs to be recognized is that major multinational corporations play an outsize role in global flows today. Multinationals are...
The survival of innovation in the Akron cluster is driven by increasing specialization at the local level with an emphasis on technologies rather than products and growing connectedness to global innovation systems. A key implication of our study is the importance of anchor tenant multinational ...
One of the outcomes is this collection of essays covering theoretical and practical considerations of the connectedness of national belonging and citizenship in East and Southeast Asian and Pacific states including Australia; the impact of mass migration, cultural homogenization and other effects of ...