Concorde SST Flight 4590. Once upon a time, the Concorde was the most luxurious commercial airline that a passenger could fly on. But after a tragic disaster, the idea of a supersonic airliner went down in flames.It was a plane crash that shook the world and took down an innovative jet...
Byrne, Paul
Confusing the commercial airliner for a military aircraft, the Vincennes fired two missiles at the flight. Everyone on board was killed, and Iranian officials believed the attack to be a purposeful assault on civilians. The incident is still remembered in Iran and is one of the reasons tensions...
Concorde (ˈkɒnkɔːd; ˈkɒŋ-) n (Aeronautics) the first commercial supersonic airliner, in service between 1976 and 2003. Of Anglo-French construction, it was capable of cruising at over 2160 km per hr (1200 mph) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th...
(3)An airliner like the Concorde can fly at twice the speed of ___. [] A.soundB.lightC.a rocketD.a spaceship (4)It will take the passengers ___ to cross the Pacific Ocean in huge rockets. [] A.half an hour B.three hours C.more than...
the USSVincenneshad been exchanging fire with Iranian ships in the gulf when Flight 655 took off from Bandar Abbas International Airport. Confusing the commercial airliner for a military aircraft, theVincennesfiredtwo missilesat the flight. Everyone on board was killed, and Iranian officials believed...
It’s nothing if not the most influential and historically significant airliner of all time. And also one of the prettiest. The 747 entered service with Pan American on January 21, 1970. The Atlas Air jet delivered on Monday was number 1,574 of a production run that spanned five decades...
The McDonnell Douglas MD-80 was a popular narrow body airliner of the '80s and '90s, with more than a thousand built. On its backend it sported a T-tail, with the horizontal stabilizer and elevator mounted on the top of the vertical stabilizer rather than the base like a conventional tai...
Commercial jets are hit by lightning an average of once per year, but the last time an airliner crashed because of a lightning strike was in 1967. Worldwide, all commercial pilots and air traffic controllers must speak English. Only 66 years passed between the first flight at Kitty Hawk in...
reduced-scale prototype Starship used for marketing justification purposes and a bit of proof-of-concept flight testing. I did not work on the Starship, I was off on other projects such as the 38P, the King Air F90, and the Beech 1200 Commuter Airliner, all developed around the same time...