1) Reinterpretations on the Concept of Urbanization 重新解读城市化 2) The city reader 城市解读 3) re-interpret 重新解读 1. We try tore-interpretthe"repeated thefts"from an objective position to find out that the"frequency""of repeated thefts"refers to a series of continuous theft actions bein...
First, we attempt to put forward a typology of the concept of urbanization by reviewing the various approaches related to prominent urban theories and categorizing them. In so doing, we find that the approaches are essentially focused on three main categories or types: s...
农村城镇化与城市化概念的区别及意义(The difference and significance of the concept of rural urbanization and urbanization) The difference and significance of the concept of rural urbanization and urbanization This article is from: songjuwei click rate: 139 Abstract: the urbanization and urbanization is...
migration isn't a new phenomenon. And as the cities and towns harvest most of the benefits of innovations in the fields of science and technology, urbanization continues to take place. As a result, the cities and its suburbs spill over to the rural areas along their boundaries. This spread...
大家在备考雅思考试的过程中可以多做雅思模拟题,了解自己的雅思水平,分析自己的薄弱项,新东方在线雅思在本文为大家带来的是雅思阅读模拟题:The Concept of Childhood in the Western Countries,大家可以练习练习。 The Concept of Childhood in the Western Countries ...
population. More young people are makingtheir homes in the city and leaping forward in development throughurbanization. (三)享受更全面的保障支持 (3) More All-round Protection and Support 青年的发展离不开国家的坚实保障。在社会...
However , the negative effects of urban sprawl can be neutralized by monitoring their growth in a planned manner .Urban sprawLUrban sprawl is the (71)Concept_ of a city or its suburbs to the rural areas .Houses in sprawl are more (73) to people .T he development of the infrastru(72)...
Towards a new Urban Concept or Rethinking Urbanisation N2 - Urban growth and development have always been associated with specific nodes in an urban system. This association, however, does not make much sense in a world where the functional areas of many large cities have merged to form cont....
在全球城市化 global urbanization的大背景下,当下的城市urban、乡村rural、城乡urban-rural的矛盾与问题逐步凸显出来,在地理、社会、经济、文化、历史、技术、政治等要素的差异上,我们看到了全球城市不同景象physiognomies,这个studio就是在这个背景框架下进行讨论的。这个studio每年都会有相应的特色主题去思考当前城市现状,...
Although the term "space economy" has been in existence for over 30 years, it remains an untheorized concept and little more than an assertion that economic relations exist within a spatial domain. In an attempt to recreate a specific context for the use of the term space economy, we examin...