The concept of Hellenism refers to the spread of Greek cultural values and forms of expression from Greece itself to the eastern Mediterranean and... Learn more about this topic: Hellenistic Era | Definition, Culture & Civilization from
**The importance of the hearth as religious space probably extends well back in Indo-European tradition,it symbolized not only the concept of the house, and by extension the state, but also the notion of permanence(immovable center). **The placement of the throne next to the hearth symbolized...
Epicurus, philosopher of the Hellenistic period of Greece, developed in his Ethic a rational view on death, criticizing therefore the irrational way in which is assumed by most of human beings. Bearing this in mind, he argues that is ...
The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history has proved useful but also ___, with scholars disagreeing onthe dates when the period began and ended. A:slippery B:elusive C:fruitless D:deceptive E:futile F:compelling (出处:机经汇总(2017年)Exercise 26 (2017年12月)) 解析:also和an...
27-10.The concept of the Hellenistic period inancient history has proved useful but also ___, with scholars disagreeing onthe dates when the period began and ended. A. slippery B. elusive C. fruitless D. deceptive E. futile F. compelling 33-...
21K Throughout time, history can be seen to repeat itself in certain types of events, processes, attitudes, and occurrences. Explore the concept of historical recurrences as witnessed in the rise and fall of cultures, independence movements, trade, technology, and ...
Droysen was a prominent representative of the Smaller Germany (kleindeutsch) school of historical writing and produced a number of works on Prussian history. His political convictions were reflected in his works on ancient history of the Hellenistic period, for he glorified the Macedonian monarchy, ...
That is also why the concept of role models is so crucial to Stoic practice. As Seneca aptly puts it: “Choose therefore a Cato; or, if Cato seems too severe a model, choose some Laelius, a gentler spirit. Choose a master whose life, conversation, and soul-expressing face have ...
The Hellenistic Period Sleeping Saytr (Barberini Faun) Rome, Italy ca. 230-220 BC Hellenistic sculptors often portrayed sleep. This concept is the antithesis of the Classical ideals of rationality and discipline. The saytr, a follower of Dionysos, has had too much wine and has fallen into an...
Ancient Iran - The Hellenistic and Parthian periods: Between 334 and 330 bc Alexander completed the conquest of the whole Achaemenian Empire. (For the story of the conquest, see Alexander the Great and ancient Greek civilization: Alexander the Great.) Al