(2013). Seeing wholes: The concept of systems thinking and its implementation in school leadership. International Review of Education, 59(6), 771-791. doi:10.1007/s11159-013-9387-8Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2013). Seeing wholes: The concept of systems thinking and its implementation in...
Some of the challenges include transitioning from thinking of oneself as a specialist who performs specific tasks to thinking of oneself as a generalist who coordinates diverse tasks, doing things yourself to getting things done through others, being an individual actor to becoming a network builder,...
In Chapter 5 the book shifts from exploring data trends and stories to a synthesis of how the trends relate to each other. The chapter begins by describing the concept of systems as a method of thinking and modeling before summarizing the philosophy of naturalism as a means for understanding t...
yet the greenlit projects that come out of it, usually look far less diverse. Here's an article about a maverick approach to Alzheimer's research, the title is clickbait, the piece is really about the novel concept of advanced interdisciplinary teams.https:/...
Innovative Product Advanced Service Systems (I-PASS): methodology, tools, and applications for dominant service design for systematic thinking is proposed, relying on the integration of the novel innovation matrix, application space mapping, and quality function deployment ... J Lee,M Abuali - 《In...
3. Brought forward to apply a high performance "heating tap water" system of WSHP by concept of systems thinking. 介绍了根据系统思考的理念提出并已实际使用的高性能水源热泵“热自来水”系统,它具有节能、节水和高使用性能等显著优点,可作为热水系统节能、节水改造的范例。 更多例句>> 6...
Chapter 1 introduced the concept of a systems framework as an enhanced and more effective mental model with which to understand the complexities present in the world and specifically in business today. The notion of sustainability was introduced, and was then further developed and tied into the ...
DA Friedman and RJ Cordes wrote an interesting concept paper for an earlier Incubator entitled "Infinite Games for Infinite Teams". It's at the bottom of that Incubator's Overview page and worth a read to inspire further thinking about how this concept could be applied in a remote culture.ht...
of complex thinking.Implementing the scientific concept of development is a systematic project.Making overall arrangement is a fundamental requirement of the concept of scientific development.Which is based on the use of complexity thinking to solve the economic,the social and the all-round development...
Lantz P. The concept of intelligence in psychology and philosophy[A]// Cruse H, Dean J & Ritter H. (Eds.) Prerational Intelligence: Adaptive Behavior and Intelligent Systems Without Symbols and Logic, Volume 1[M].Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2000:19-30....