Discusses the concept of rehabilitation in borderline psychiatry in Russia. Increase of patients with borderline mental illnesses involving neurotic disorders, depressions and delayed stress reactions; Three interrelated conclusions on mental illnesses based on empirical studies; Stipulation of the Russian ...
Chuchnowska, I, & Sekala, A. (2011). The concept of interactive rehabilitation device for children under the age of three. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 45 (1), 45-50.I. Chuchnowska, A. Sękala, The concept of interactive rehabilitation device for ...
Currently, the concept of rehabilitation in nursing is a broad and agressive one, for along with concern for the attainment of restoration of an optimal level of biopsychosocial functioning and the prevention of further dysfunction, nursing addresses itself to facilitating a state of positive health ...
Rehabilitation of the concept of neurosisThe use of the term "neurosis" has been gradually pushed out form the medical literature and from the everyday practice since the eighties of the last century. Instead, the categories of DSM-III, and its new versions, and those of the ICD-10 have ...
To form a concept or concepts of, and especially to interpret in a conceptual way:This cabaret performance was conceptualized as a homage to vaudeville. v.intr. To form concepts. con·cep′tu·al·i·za′tion(-sĕp′cho͞o-ə-lĭ-zā′shən)n. ...
The Concept of Childhood in Western CountriesThe history of childhood has been a heated topic in social history since the highly influential book Centuries of Childhood’, written by French historia…
This novel way to apply the concept of neuroplasticity to rehabilitation is the brainchild of scientists at theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Tactile Communication and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory (TCNL). Scientific Theory: Amplifying the Brain’s Ability to Heal Itself ...
The concept of the eradication of disease was enunciated in the early years of the 19th century, after the introduction of smallpox vaccination. In 1884 the United States Congress created the Bureau of Animal Husbandry, whose primary object was the eradication of bovine pleuropneumonia. In the ...
"Rehabilitation will increase the 'capacity' of your …insert musculoskeletal tissue here…." Defining 'tissue capacity': a core concept for clinicians "Rehabilitation will increase the `capacity' of your ...insert musculoskeletal tissue here..." Defining `tissue capacity': a core concept for ...
Rehabilitation is a mature service in the West, while it is still a new concept in China. The availability of such services in the country also lags behind. "Rehabilitation doesn't only cover post-operation service, it ...