Quantum theory provides an extremely accurate description of fundamental processes in physics. It thus seems likely that the theory is applicable beyond the, mostly microscopic, domain in which it has been tested experimentally. Here, we propose a Gedank
Let’s start by presenting his argument. He takes the concept of burden of proof from the legal system. When someone is accused of a crime, they are presumed innocent until sufficient evidence is presented by the prosecution to show that they are guilty as accused. In other words, the burd...
The ancient books such as the Bible, through the medium of writing, wrote the scenes of the partial doomsday of the last doomsday, which was limited to the doomsday of the earth, the self-produced doomsday of the earth, not the more irresistible doomsday from the sky. Why can that doomsda...
Others might claim that science has proven the existence of parallel universes. These people cannot actually touch, see, feel, measure or test these additional dimensions or parallel universes, so their belief cannot be based in science. But yet, they can still accept that these things might be...
Section 4 introduces the concept of “matter flavor” (analogous to quark flavor) and gravity-like fields outside of GR. As shown by E. G. Harris, any claims for production of gravity-like fields through rotating superconductors must be outside GR. The evaluation of experiments reporting confl...
I should begin from the concept of the Sea of Quanta. Li Sushang: If… I can understand it? Schrodinger: Firstly, as you know, the Sea of Quanta is not a real sea. It does not belong on a particular planet, nor is it made of liquid substances like water. Schrodinger: To ...
This paper presents a framework to understand the impact of scientific knowledge on the policy-making process, focusing on the conceptual impact. We note t
9.How parallel universes correlate with spirit realms— 10.Who gets future ITC bridges— 11.Do asteroids have spirit bodies— . Humanity as Seen Through Ethereal Eyes Nsitden, one of The Seven ethereals or superhumans who regulate the ITC bridge. ...
[11]“The concept of heresy is grounded in the conviction that there exists one revealed truth, and other opinions are intentional distortions or denials of that truth. Absent such conviction, ‘heresy’ becomes little more than bigoted persecution. But the Christian belief in revealed truth means...
The concept of the universe prompts philosophical questions about the nature of existence, our place in it, and the possibility of multiple or parallel universes. The multiverse theory suggests that our universe might be one of many, each with its own laws of physics. 7 Space Space is the bo...