In this version, the concept of vision combines a common meaning with a metaphorical one. The term 'vision', in fact, simultaneously evokes the sense of sight and the mental exercises of imagining, forecasting, and representing. These functions are metaphorical because they transfer the meaning ...
It is a difficult concept to translate because it doesn't really refer to any specific type of virtue or positive endowment, but refers to an inner capacity possessed by all human beings to do good, as human beings should. It is the quality that makes humans human, and not animals. In ...
The point I am trying to make with this article is that the self-help world has become infected with a plethora of terms that promise much but deliver little - the main term being "manifest" or "manifesting". I believe that these words were manufactured and/or perverted by a new generati...
Yunyan is implying that when Daowu says there is one who is not busy, he is actually separating his sweeping activity from the concept of being one with the wholeness of life.
being an introspective and inside-focused person makes manifestation really easy for me, but for the longest time, manifesting was hard due to how much I overthink. overthinking is a pretty bad thing when it comes to manifestation. we’re taught from a young age that nothing comes easy, ...
The concept of qigong and its traditional connotations 如何理解“天人合一”? How to understand the “unity of heaven and man”? 答:“天人合一”是中国传统文化里一个非常重要的哲学概念,也是各家各派修身养性的理论基石。可以...
1.the act of manifesting or state of being manifested in bodily form, esp human form 2.a bodily form assumed by a god, etc 3.a person or thing that typifies or represents some quality, idea, etc:the weasel is the incarnation of ferocity. ...
directing and focusing my attention on growing my local business, which means tons of creative energy in a different direction. My plan is to eventually bring all this goodness right back here, but until then, it will bemostly 1 on 1 workfor those who are looking for more MsManifesting ...
Now, these qualities eventually lead to cities in which things become even worse, people become he believes, Rousseau believes, in the modern world, concerned with the status of what he called in French “amour propre”, the love of self as it is seen by others, instead of manifesting simp...
The concept of “hypersexuality” belongs to modern parlance, according to a predominantly clinical meaning, understood as a psychological and behavioural alteration as a result of which sexually motivated stimuli are sought in inappropriate ways, often experienced in a way that is not completely satis...