1. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, Prime Minister Anwaar ul Haq Kakar of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan visited China from October 16 to 20, 2023 to attend the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. 2. In Beijing, President ...
Related to inclusion:Social inclusion,Inclusion bodies,inclusion cell in·clu·sion (ĭn-klo͞o′zhən) n. 1.The act of including or the state of being included. 2.Something included. 3.A solid, liquid, or gaseous foreign body enclosed in a mineral or rock. ...
The concept of inclusive growthhas become central to economic development due to rising economic inequality and its effects on human well-being and prosperity (see sidebar, “What is inclusive growth?”).1Indeed, despite the longest economic expansion in US history through much of the 2010s,2the...
Intersectionality is a concept that originated in Black feminist movements in the US-American context of the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in the work of feminist scholar and lawyer Kimberlé W. Crenshaw. Intersectional approaches aim to highlight the interconnectedness of gender and sexuality with o...
(EMDCs), in the fields of green recovery and inclusive economic growth. In addition, taking into account the specific period of history that we are in, post-COVID-19 recovery and climate change are by nature also at the core of the Bank's vision. Furthermore, the Bank's concept of ...
The concept of 'inclusive innovation' for development has become increasingly prominent in both academic and policy discourses, raising important questions as to how this is being framed. Results from case studies conducted in India suggest inclusive innovation to be interpretively flexible and contested...
Inclusion-exclusion principle can be rewritten to calculate number of elements which are present in zero sets: |⋂i=1nAi―|=∑m=0n(−1)m∑|X|=m|⋂i∈XAi|<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block"><mrow data-mjx-texclass="INNER"><mo data-mjx-...
H4: Trust mediates the relationship between the source credibility of beauty vloggers towards customers’ purchase intention. Parasocial interaction theory The concept of parasocial interaction is not novel. Parasocial interactions were frequently used in communication even before the advent of the intern...
inclusive - including much or everything; and especially including stated limits; "an inclusive art form"; "an inclusive fee"; "his concept of history is modern and inclusive"; "from Monday to Friday inclusive" exclusive - excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minor...
In the years ahead, millions more consumers will likely join the ranks of inclusive consumers, rewarding businesses that pursue inclusion and avoiding those that don’t. Businesses that meet the needs of inclusive consumers will likely do more than raise revenues and loyalty—they may also earn di...