The concept of entrepreneurshipOswald JonesEmerald Publishing LimitedInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & ResearchDesai Vasant (2007), The Concept of Entrepreneurship, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, pg44,45
QuickMBA / Entrepreneurship / Definition A Definition of Entrepreneurship The concept of entrepreneurship has a wide range of meanings. On the one extreme an entrepreneur is a person of very high aptitude who pioneers change, possessing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the ...
Entrepreneurship is a form of labor. It is a phenomenon of wealth created by nothing. It is a behavior that requires entrepreneurs to organize, use services, technology and utensils to think, reason and judge.
Top Abstract In recent years, the concept of entrepreneurship and the idea of entrepreneurship education are not novel. Entrepreneurship education at the university level is mostly taught in business schools. Entrepreneurial skills, though, are not only necessary for students who become entrepreneurs. Sc...
This paper revisits the concept of entrepreneurship, which is frequently neglected in mainstream economics, and discusses the importance of defining and isolating this concept in the context of large, publicly held companies. Compensating for entrepreneurial services in such companies, ex ante or ex po...
In the last years, universities have assumed a prominent role in the science and technology-based economic development. The concept of entrepreneurial university, a key concept in the triple helix model developed by Etzkowitz, identifies the evolution of the university role with the addition to the...
Concepts of Entrepreneurship With characteristics such as creativity, effectual thinking, risk tolerance and flexibility, entrepreneurs appear as a group of freewheeling mavericks. Indeed, many of them are. However, entrepreneurs need to ground their innovative activities in basic, real-world principles...
Though the concept of “social entrepreneurship” is gaining popularity, it means different things to different people. This can be confusing. Many associate social entrepreneurship exclusively with not-for-profit organizations starting for-profit or earned-income ventures. Others use it to describe ...
We should accelerate the improvement of the legal system for supporting businesses and create a good environment for entrepreneurship and the rule of law. We should strengthen the concept of entrepreneurship according to law and guide them to use legal means to safeguard their rights and interests ...
The disconnection between the theory of psychological capital and the study of entrepreneurship leads to the absence of the concept of entrepreneurial psychological capital in the study of entrepreneurship. In order to make the combination of the theory of psychological capital and the study of entrepre...