英文听读 : blinkistThe Compound Effect by Darren Hardy中译本:《复利效应》[美] 戴伦·哈迪关于本书——了解如何掌控自己的生活,实现自己的目标,超越自己的极限《复利效应》告诉我们通过关注我们所做的最小决定,及其日积月累的影响,能带长久的改变。做出改变要徐徐
Because that’s how you can earnyour willpower instinctfor a lifetime. Like this summary?We’d like to invite you to download our free12 min app, for more amazing summaries and audiobooks. “The Compound Effect” Quotes You will never change your life until you change something you do da...
《The Compound Effect》的作者是Darren Hardy,美国作家,主讲人,顾问,以及SUCCESS杂志的前出版人。1. 学会把巨大的目标切成每日目标和每日行动; 你不可能改变你的生活,直到你改变每一天做的事情。也就是说,只有你改变了你每一天做的事情,才可能改变你的生活。2. 娱乐和教育的时间比例,决定了你...
《The Compound Effect 复合效应》 《The Compound Effect》的作者是Darren Hardy,美国作家,主讲人,顾问,以及SUCCESS杂志的前出版人。 这本书的核心就是告诉我们:'你一个小小的决定+ 持续的毅力 + 足够长的时间=巨大的结果" 1. 学会把巨大的目标切成每日目标和每日行动;你不可能改变你的生活,直到你改变每一天做...
Compound Effect中对我有帮助的几个点 -Be 100% responsible for your life. -Track your behaviors for at least one week. Track the behaviors that relates to your goal. Bring your goals within sight. -Success is something you attract by the person you become -You have to build a program that...
“The Compound Effect is about how small actions, executed consistently, can lead to hugely successful results, both in business and in life. ” “复利效应,倍增你的成功,一次一小步。” “The Compound Effect,Multiplying Your Success,One Simple Step At a Time. ” ...
所属专辑:英文《复利效应》 The Compound Effect | 学地道口语 声音简介 英文《The Compound Effect》推荐序下 from Anthony Robbins 英文《复利效应》推荐序下 来自 安东尼罗宾 更多全部 音频列表 1 英文《The Compound Effect》推荐序上 from Anthony Robbins ...
If I only did three things today, what are the actions that will produce the greatest results in moving me closer to my big goals? (查看原文) Xiaobai 1赞 2022-04-14 14:06:36 —— 引自第102页 Commercials prey on our psychology, our fears, pains, needs, and weaknesses. (查看原文...
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy The (达伦·哈迪的复合效应).pdf,The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy You can sum up The Compound Effect with four words -- “It’s The Little Things”. Unfortunately too many of us are unwilling to do EXACTLY those lit
进口原版 > Business & Investing(商业与投资) > 华研外语 > 英文原版 The Compound Effect 复利效应 如何获得成功的真相 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 瑞雅进口图书专营店 英文原版 The Compound Effect 复利效应 ... Hardy Darren著 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 ...