针对您遇到的错误“error: the compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: services.”,这个问题通常指向docker-compose.yml文件中services部分的配置存在问题。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和检查点,以帮助您解决这个问题: 1. 检查文件存在性 首先,确保docker-compose.yml文件确实存在于您尝试运行的目录中...
Trying to setup docker-compose file and it doesn't work Followed code for docker-compose file Docker Version: 19.03.8 docker-compose version 1.24.0, build 0aa5906
ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: Additional properties are not allowed ('db' was unexpected) 。。。 因为yml文件是有格式要求的,尤其是缩进空格,所以如果缩进的空格不对,会出现上面的问题。 简单理解就是yml解析的时候对象下面的属性会变成其他层级的对象属性。【问题2】d...
docker-compose-f docker-compose-local.yml up ERROR:TheComposefile'./docker-compose-local.yml'isinvalid because:'name'doesnotmatch any of the regexes:'^x-'
Compose HTTP requests and handle errors Query Data with Web API Create a table row Retrieve a table row Update and delete table rows Associate and disassociate rows Merge table rows Use functions Use actions Execute batch operations Impersonate another user ...
With v0.23.0 there need to be done some changes in https://github.com/aquarist-labs/s3gw/blob/s3gw-v0.23/docker-compose.yaml Rename RGW_SERVICE_URL -> S3GW_SERVICE_URL Remove command: - "--rgw-backend-store" - "sfs" Finally it should loo...
When the application needs to be highly portable in terms of where it is hosted because PaaS APIs can vary from one PaaS provider to another. When proprietary languages or APIs could impact the development process or cause trouble in the future due to vendor lock-in. ...
When you try to compose a message in Outlook Express, you may receive one of the following error messages: The operation could not be completed. Riched32.dll failed to load. Please re-install. MSIMN caused an invalid page fault in module Riched32.dll ...
do not call this method, the effects are not persisted to the on-premises configuration file. As a result, the Project field generated by deserializing the response of the AliyunICompose.compose method does not contain the effects. In this case, the produced video does not contain the ...
awsaccesskeyid is already verified if I take a wrong one I get a different error. Full example/test case: docker-compose.yml: services: minio: image: 'minio/minio' # image: 'minio/minio:latest' # take specific pinned version that works for signed post upload # image: 'minio/minio:RELEA...