英语翻译The complete predicate is built around the simple predicate,which we shall hereafter refer to as the verb.这句话我怎么翻译都不通呢感觉,复合谓语是围绕着简单谓语的,之后的怎么翻译,或者整句的意思, 答案 complex predicate ( 复合谓语),指带有从句或者非谓语动词作修饰成分的谓语部分,如:* The man...
英语翻译The complete predicate is built around the simple predicate,which we shall hereafter refer to as the verb.这句话我怎么翻译都不通呢感觉,复合谓语是围绕着简单谓语的,之后的怎么翻译,或者整句的意思,
[C14: from Late Latinpraedicāmentumwhat is predicated, frompraedicāreto announce, assert; see predicate] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
2.LogicThat part of a proposition that is affirmed or denied about the subject. For example, in the propositionWe are mortal, mortalis the predicate. adj.(-kĭt) 1.GrammarOf or belonging to the predicate of a sentence or clause.
Thesimplepredicateisthemainverbinthepredicatethattellswhatthe subjectdoes. example:Mymothercleanedthelivingroom. Readeachsentence.Drawalineunderthecompletepredicate.Circle thesimplepredicate. 1.Jordansleptonthesofa. 2.Atinymosquitolandedonmyarm. 3.Thegrayspiderspunabeautifulweb. 4.Thewindowinmybedroomblewopen...
1、句子二分法 整个句子只分为两部分,分别是the complete subject (完整主语)和the complete predicate(...
Which of the following is the complete predicate? A. Hector found B. found C. found the wallet D. found the wallet under the pillow 正确答案:D 答案解析:此题考察谓语成分predicate,题目已经明确问“以下哪一个是完整的谓语”,那么我们就之前讲到的predicate的概念(the part of it that is not the ...
Complete predicates also include any helping verbs. In the sentence "He may be running in the marathon," the words "may" and "be" are helping verbs, while "running" is the main verb. If asked to find the complete predicate, you would say, "may be running in the marathon," because ...
Complete predicate. A complete predicate includes a linking verb and either a direct or indirect object or phrase. For example, you could write: The pilot flew the plane. While flew is the simple predicate and a linking verb, flew the plane is the complete predicate because it tells the rea...
Thepredicateconsists of a verb or verb phrase and its complements, if any. A verb that requires no complements is calledintransitive.A verb that requires one or two complements is calledtransitive.A verb may belong to both categories. We may generate the complete sentence "I walk." with no ...