正版 布莱克诗集 英文原版 William Blake The Complete Poems 威廉布莱克诗的素描 天真与经验之歌 英文版进口英语书籍 英国浪漫主义诗人威廉布莱克诗集 作者:[英国]WilliamBlake出版社:Penguin出版时间:1978年06月 原版书名:The Complete Poems 手机专享价 ¥...
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Blake, WilliamBritish Medical AssociationBritish Medical JournalBlake, William, « The Pickering Manuscript », The Complete Poems of William Blake, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1977 (ed. Alicia Ostriker), ...
William Blake, a visionary poet and artist, defied convention with his prophetic works that blended mysticism, social criticism, and vivid imagination. His illuminated poems, such as "Songs of Innocence and Experience," reveal a unique perspective on the human condition and the divine. Age: Dec....
The Greatest Romantic Poems, recommended by Gillen D'Arcy Wood Read 1 William Wordsworth: The Major Works by Stephen Gill (editor) Read 2 Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Major Works by H. J. Jackson (Editor) Read 3 Willam Blake: Selected Poetry ...
William Blake, a visionary poet and artist, defied convention with his prophetic works that blended mysticism, social criticism, and vivid imagination. His illuminated poems, such as "Songs of Innocence and Experience," reveal a unique perspective on the human condition and the divine. Age: Dec....
[ 1]William Blake.The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake[ M].New York:Cambri dge up,1988. [2 ] Danielson,Dennis.Milton’S Good God:A Study in Liter— ary Theodicy[M] .New York:Cambridge UP,1982. [3 ]McGrath,Alister E.A History of the Chri stian Doctrine of Justific...
William Blake opined that only people with weak passions can control them. Robert Herrick confessed that he was "bewitched" by a glimpse of his lover's underwear. Thus, some of the world's best poets seem to agree that lust is a force beyond our ability to resist!
The Poems of William Blake study guide contains a biography of William Blake, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis of select poems by William Blake. About The Poems of William Blake The Poems of William Blake S...